The results page of the Compliance Audit Report shows an Eligible column. This shows the total number of events that a reviewer is permitted to review. However, values in this column can differ, depending on who runs the report and whether a 'self-exclude' security model is assigned to a reviewer featured in the report.
Consider two reviewers, Reviewer A and Reviewer B, where Reviewer B is assigned to the Policy (Self-Exclude) security model.
When Reviewer A runs this report, the Eligible column shows 100 events for Reviewer B. This incorrectly includes 5 events in which Reviewer B was himself a participant. This is a known error in the software.
But when Reviewer B runs this report, the Eligible column correctly shows 95 events for Reviewer B. This is because Reviewer B's security model prevents him from reviewing events in which he himself was a participant, and so these 5 events are accordingly excluded from the Eligible events count.
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