This example document classification is designed to detect occurrences of usernames or passwords in emails and files. It only uses parameters 3,4, 5 and 6.
Parameter 3 contains the keystrings (text items) that underlie the document classification. Each match raises the document score by 1.
Parameters 4 and 5 define the words or phrases that indicate a non-match. In this example, these terms are mainly defined in the %GlobalDocumentExcludes% user definition.
Parameter 6 specifies the minium score needed to fire the trigger.
Value: Sharing of Usernames and Passwords
Value: Generic
Value: <none>
Value: <none>
Values: The policy list setting contains the following items:
%!-- Usernames --% Access|Acces|Acess Nm|Name|Names|ID|IDs
%!-- Usernames --% Sign On|Ons|In|Ins|Into|Onto {ID|IDs}}[?]
%!-- Usernames --% Use|User|Users Nm|Nms|Name|Names|ID|IDs
%!-- Usernames --% Use|User|Users LogOn|LoggOn|LogOns|LoggOns|LogIn|LoggIn|LogIns|LoggIns ID|IDs}}[?]
%!-- Usernames --% Log|Logg{{ }|\p}[?]Nm|Name|Names|In|Ins|On|Ons|Into|Onto{{ }[?]{ID|IDs}}[?]%
%!-- Usernames --% User { : | Is}
%!-- Password --% PASS { : | = | Is | for | to} %PrecededBy% %WhiteSpace%
%!-- Password --% { {%#P/{W|N|#|{No}}{s}[?]%} | {%#P\\{W|N|#|{No}}{s}[?]%}
%PrecededBy% %WhiteSpace% }
%!-- Password --% Access|Acces|Acess Code|Codes
%!-- Password --% {%#Pass|Pas|P{{ }|\p}[?]Word|Words|Wrd|Wrds|Code|Codes%}
%!-- Password --% {%+MatchCase% PIN | PINs | PINS %-MatchCase%}
{{ { Conf | Conference }%false%}|%ANY%}[\,15] {%#\d[3\,7]%}
{{ %Precededby% {{ %any%[\,5] Conf | Conference }%false%}[?] %WhiteSpace%}}
%!-- Password --% Personal|Per|Pers {Identification|{I.D.}|{I.D}|ID}
%!-- Password --% PSWD | PSWDs %PrecededBy% %WhiteSpace%
%!-- Password --% PW | PWs | PWD | PWDs %PrecededBy% %WhiteSpace%
Note: You can use syntax such as %!--Password--% to add comment to your policy settings..
Values: The policy list setting contains the following items:
%-matchpunct% password* %any%[,5] {non-public} | {non public} information in your
does not require a password
Values: The policy list setting contains the following item:
Value: The policy list setting contains the following items:
Value: <none>
Value: <none>
Value: <none>
Value: <none>
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