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Performance Monitor Counters

The Socket Agent Performance counters that are provided are as follows:




The number of socket connections being managed by this communications link.

Forwarding Fails (Unknown destination)

The number of messages that were not sent because the destination was unknown. This counter does not apply to the Socket Agent.

Forwarding Fails (Unreachable destination)

The number of messages that were not sent because the destination was unreachable. This counter does not apply to the Socket Agent.

Incoming Messages

The number of messages received.

Incoming Messages/sec

The number of messages received per second.

Incoming Bytes

The number of bytes received.

Incoming Bytes/sec

The number of bytes received per second.

Messages failed (analysis)

Items that failed during analysis.

Messages failed (timeout)

The number of items failed by event timeout.

Messages failed (total)

The total number of items that have failed analysis.

Messages incomplete

Current Incomplete Items

Messages processed

The total messages processed.

Messages processing

The number of messages currently being processed.

Outgoing Messages

The number of messages successfully sent.

Outgoing Messages/sec

The number of messages successfully sent per second.

Outgoing Bytes

The number of bytes successfully sent.

Outgoing Bytes/sec

The number of bytes successfully sent per second.

Processing Time

Average processing time from when a complete message has been received, until the response is about to be sent.

When implementing throttling, new counters might include:



Messages failed (throttling)

The number of items failed by throttling in 'Fail' mode - not applicable if in 'Wait' mode.