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Milter MTA - Command Syntax

The command syntax is:

INPUT_MAIL_FILTER ('WgnMilter','S=<socket>[,<comm_fail>][,<timeouts>]')dnl



Locates the socket used to communicate with the Milter MTA agent. It takes these formats:

Either: local:<path>/wgnilter.sock

Or: inet:CA Portal@<Agent host server>

Use the local: format if the Milter MTA agent is installed directly on a Sendfix or Postmail server. Otherwise, use inet: to specify an Internet socket; note that the specified CA Portal number must not be used by another application.


Is an optional parameter that determines how Sendmail handles emails when the Milter MTA agent is not running or when there is a communication failure with the Milter MTA agent. It can be set to F=R, F=T or omitted entirely.

If the entire parameter is omitted, emails transit through Sendmail without intervention.

If set to F=R then Sendmail rejects all emails arriving through the SMTP connection from Exchange or Domino. Sender of rejected emails eventually receives an ‘undeliverable message’ notification.

If set to F=T then Sendmail temporarily fails any e‑mail arriving through the SMTP connection. The source email server (Exchange or Domino) automatically resends the emails at predefined intervals; if the Milter MTA agent has restarted when the e‑mail is resent, it is processed by CA DataMinder as normal.


Is an optional parameter for changing the default time-outs associated with the Milter MTA agent. It can take any combination of the following parameters, in any order:


Is the connection timeout from Sendmail to the Milter MTA agent. This defaults to 5 minutes.


Is the overall timeout for an email. This covers the period from when an email is first submitted to the Milter MTA agent until the results of policy processing are returned to Sendmail or Postfix. This timeout defaults to 5 minutes.

To ensure that Sendmail does not resubmit e‑mails unnecessarily to the Milter MTA agent, this E timeout must be longer than the max‑time‑per‑mail timeout (see max-time-per-mail=<number>) specified in wgnmilter.conf.


Is the timeout for sending individual data packets to the Milter MTA agent. This defaults to 10 seconds.


Is the timeout for receiving a reply from the Milter MTA agent. This defaults to 10 seconds.


Is the timeout value, suffixed with m or s to indicate minutes or seconds. For example, 5m is a five minute timeout; 90s is a 90 second timeout.

Note: You may need to lengthen the default time-outs to allow time for policy processing.

More information:

Example Socket Commands

Wgnmilter.conf Parameters