The Review Queue is built from events between an upper and lower bound (see DERIVE_UPPER_BOUND_STUB_1) within these bounds there are conceptually two distinct sets of data. These are:
All data. This is the full set of events within the upper and lower bound that are to be considered when building the Review Queue. An example of Type A predicate would be to only include e-mail and IM events but exclude Web events.
Prime data. This is the prime target for the main selection that drives the queue building.
If this procedure is customized, it must return an SQL subquery that projects the eventuid and EventTimeStamp pairs of events that are considered Type A.
Null. All events within the lower and upper bounds are candidates for review.
In SQL Server, the custom function must always be named WGN_RQ_GET_TYPE_A_PRED_CUSTOM_n_1 where 'n' is the RQ Process number for which this function applies. If the name of the custom function(s) deviates from that stipulated above then the RQ process to populate the Review Queue will merely ignore it and subsequently it will fail to implement the intended custom behavior.
In Oracle, the custom function is contained within the stored package WGN_RQ_CUST and must always be named WGN_RQ_CUST.GET_TYPE_A_PRED. Additionally, the process number is passed to this function such that multiple implementations can be coded on a per process basis by using a PL/SQL CASE construct. The custom package body is contained within the supplied file WGN_RQ_BODY.sql and can be modified accordingly.
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