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External Agent API Interface

The External Agent Socket API provides a TCP/IP Interface for the External Agent API - a COM Interface (Active Import Connector Interface) on the Wigan Active Import Connector object. On that Interface, the Import Object function may be used to apply policy to a given email or file.

[helpstring("method ImportObject")]
HRESULT ImportObject(
	[in]	WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TYPE	objectType,
	[in]	WGN_IMPORTOBJ_FORMAT	objectFormat,
	[in]	WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TRANSPORT	objectTransport,
	[in]	VARIANT	objectData,
	[in, unique]	LPCOLESTRLPOLESTR	messageId,	// OPTIONAL
	[in]	DWORD	importSource,
	[in, unique]	LPCOLESTR	xmlMessageAttributes,//OPTIONAL
	[in]	DWORD	eventSizeHintBytes,
	[in]	BOOL	allowDeferredCompletion,
	[out]	IWgnImportConnectorResult** results