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The corporate network has a domain.

  1. The <enterprisednslist> tag in the NBA policy includes That is, the NBA policy is configured to ignore emails already processed in this domain.
  2. A sender uses a Web-based service to send a Webmail to an external recipient.
  3. The NBA quarantines the Webmail as it leaves the corporate network.
  4. The Socket API sends a ‘quarantine notification’ to the sender’s Webmail address.

    Because SMTPDNSHostName is set to, this domain is written to a custom header in the notification email. This allows the notification to pass through the NBA without intervention on its way to the sender’s Webmail address.

  5. Likewise, when the Webmail is finally released from quarantine, the Quarantine Manager writes to a custom header in the released email. This allows it to pass through the NBA without intervention on its way to the intended recipient.