Network Integration Guide › Configuring the NBA › NBA Ignores Already-Processed Emails › Example
The corporate network has a unipraxis.com domain.
- The <enterprisednslist> tag in the NBA policy includes unipraxis.com. That is, the NBA policy is configured to ignore emails already processed in this domain.
- A sender uses a Web-based service to send a Webmail to an external recipient.
- The NBA quarantines the Webmail as it leaves the unipraxis.com corporate network.
- The Socket API sends a ‘quarantine notification’ to the sender’s Webmail address.
Because SMTPDNSHostName is set to unipraxis.com, this domain is written to a custom header in the notification email. This allows the notification to pass through the NBA without intervention on its way to the sender’s Webmail address.
- Likewise, when the Webmail is finally released from quarantine, the Quarantine Manager writes unipraxis.com to a custom header in the released email. This allows it to pass through the NBA without intervention on its way to the intended recipient.
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