The following are error, warning and informational codes for the event import log:
Logged when too many problems have occurred with the infrastructure. The importer will stop after logging this message.
Occurs after an error 0x0DA9 if the importer is able to re-initialize the infrastructure.
General code to report an Event Import error.
Reported when the infrastructure returns an error, preventing the importer from continuing.
Unlikely to occur in normal operation. Following this error the importer will shut down.
Unlikely to occur in normal operation. Following this error the importer will shut down.
Only logged if the importer's logging is set to 'verbose' and a message is successfully imported.
Unlikely to occur during normal operation. If it does the importer will shut down.
Logged only when logging is set to 'verbose'. It may be seen when an invalid message type is imported, such as the Outlook Welcome message.
Seen when the importer fails to obtain the participants of a message. The reason for the failure is described by the extended error code and description.
Seen when the importer fails to process a message. The reason for the failure is described by the extended error code and description.
Occurs when the importer fails to import a message as it has no participants associated with it.
Unlikely to occur in general use. It is used as a 'catch all' error code when something extremely unexpected has gone wrong.
Only logged when the importer's logging is set to 'verbose'. This informs the user that a message processing thread has finished processing messages. The thread will exit after this message.
Always logged when a new import session is started.
Always logged when an import session finishes.
Unlikely to occur under normal operation. This error can occur if the conversation source files are corrupted for example.
Can occur if for some reason the conversation file has become corrupted and the importer parameter Engine.StopOnError = yes. The importer will begin shutdown after this log entry.
Can occur if system resources are extremely low. Details of the error encountered found in the extended error code and description. The importer will begin shutdown after this log entry.
The message's timestamp plus the retention period is earlier than the time of import. The retention period is specified by the parameter 'Engine.EventRetentionPeriod' in the importer's ini file. Only logged when the importer's logging is set to 'verbose'.
Can happen if a message is marked as being remote, and yet no remote location is available for it. This would generally indicate a problem with the remote data storage system or corruption of the message.
Unlikely to occur in general use. If it is seen the importer will begin shutting down after logging this message.
Indicates that there was a problem obtaining the message's remote location. The error that occurred while trying to do this is described by the <error code>.
An unexpected error occurred in the main importer thread. The error is described by the error code and description.
Used to log all messages that failed to be successfully dealt with by the Import Policy hub. The specific error is detailed by the error code.
Occurs before shutdown to provide a summary of how many messages succeeded, failed or were ignored during an import session.
Should not be seen in general use. It indicates that an unexpected error occurred while trying to obtain details regarding the participants of a message.
May occur if system resources are extremely low or if there is a serious problem with the infrastructure service. The initial error code details the error code returned by the infrastructure service. The extended error code and description relate to the error that occurred in the infrastructure.
See above.
See above.
Only logged when the importer's logging is set to 'verbose'. This informs the user that the thread that obtains messages from their source has finished obtaining messages. The thread will exit after this message.
Occurs when the importer fails to obtain a sequence ID from the infrastructure. Sequence IDs are used to link the chapters of a sequence. This may occur if there is a problem with the infrastructure.
Occurs when the importer has successfully connected to the Import Policy hub. It will try to do this when Engine.UsePolicyEngineConnector = yes defined in the importer's initialization file.
Occurs when the importer has successfully re-connected to the Import Policy hub. It will try to do this when Engine.UsePolicyEngineConnector = yes defined in the importer's initialization file and the connection with the hub is temporarily lost.
Occurs when the importer has failed to connected to the Import Policy hub. The importer will try to connect to the hub when Engine.UsePolicyEngineConnector = yes defined in the importer's initialization file. This connection may fail if there is a problem with the Import Policy hub. The error is described by the error code.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it is stopping while the importer is running.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it is starting up.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it is shutting down.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it has failed to start.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it has been suspended.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it has been resumed.
Occurs when the infrastructure notifies the importer that it has entered a state, but that state is not recognized by the importer.
Occurs when a participant of the message did not have a participant address.
Occurs when a problem with configuration prevents the importer from starting correctly.
Can occur when Engine.BulkImporUserName and Engine.BulkImporUserPasswd (defined in the importer's initialization file or set using wgnimpsv –SetCredentials) are set for a user that does not have the correct privileges to allow event import to be done.
Can occur when the importer fails to move a file because it does not have access to it, or it has been deleted or a similar problem.
Can occur when the importer fails to delete a file because it does not have access to it, or it has been deleted or a similar problem.
Configuration and runtime errors that occur in the .dll that manages import of a specific type will be logged using this code.
Logged when an EML file is imported but the MIME headers are not available for the importer to determine the remote data location.
Generally caused by configuration or installation issues that prevent the importer from starting.
Generally caused by configuration or installation issues that prevent the importer from starting.
Occurs when there is a problem communicating with the infrastructure service via COM. Usually the importer will be able to recover from this and re-initialize the infrastructure service.
Logged periodically for informational purposes.
Logged when the importer is throttling due to the number of messages being processed by the import policy or policy engine.
Logged when the importer is resumes importing after throttling due to the number of messages being processed by the import policy or policy engine.
Logged when the importer begins throttling due to the number of messages in the broker thread awaiting processing hitting the high water mark.
Logged when the importer resumes importing after throttling due to the number of messages in the broker thread awaiting processing hitting the high water mark.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if system resources are extremely low.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if system resources are extremely low.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if system resources are extremely low.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if there is a problem with the policy engine and the importer is in direct import policy mode.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if there is a problem with the policy engine and the importer is in direct import policy mode.
Can happen when there is a problem co-creating the policy engine service. For example, the policy engine is not registered.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if there is a problem with the policy engine and the importer is in direct import policy mode.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if system resources are extremely low.
Unlikely to occur under normal circumstances, but may occur if system resources are extremely low.
Occurs when the policy engine informs the event importer that the local infrastructure has been suspended.
Occurs when the policy engine informs the event importer that the local infrastructure has been resumed.
Unlikely to occur under usual circumstances. It may be seen if the policy engine service crashes or is terminated in an unusual manner.
Logged when the importer fails to pass a message to the policy engine for processing.
Logged when the Event Importer is importing Lotus Notes events and a remote data location is expected but not found in the message.
Logged when the policy engine fails to process an event because the infrastructure was suspended.
Logged when the policy engine processes a message, but it is not captured.
Logged when the Event Importer is importing EML events and a remote data location is expected but not found in the message.
Seen when the importer is stopped via service stop or the PC is shutting down.
Logged from ImpBB.dll when it is processing a Bloomberg Email XML log that includes an attachment by reference.
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