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Event Import

The following counters represent an instance of an importer:

Collision Count

The number of times the importer has collided with another importer when trying to rename a file during continuous import. Note, this is benign.

Messages Captured

The number of messages (such as emails or IM 'chapters') for which database events have been created.

Messages Deleted

The total number of messages currently being processed. This includes messages being created in the broker thread, those sat in the pending queue, those being processed by worker threads, and those that have been passed off process for external processing, e.g. to the policy engine or hub.

Messages Excluded

The number of messages excluded since the start of the import session. Messages can be excluded for numerous reasons such as invalid message type, failing the user filter, or simply not being captured by the policy engine's policy application.

Messages Failed

The number of messages that have failed to import since the start of the import session.

Messages Processed

The number of messages that have been processed. This includes those captured, excluded and failed. It is a count of all the messages read from the source directory by the importer since the start of the import session.

Pending Callback

The number of messages that are being processed by another executable (that is, Import Policy Hub or the Policy Engine) that the importer is waiting for a callback from regarding the processing status.

Pending Messages

The number of messages in the importer process that are waiting to be processed.

Rate: Messages Imported/Sec

The number of messages currently being imported per second.