The deployment procedure includes these steps:
The required RQ database components (such as stored procedures) are included in the server.msi installation package. They are installed automatically when you install or upgrade a CMS.
You can install the RQ search and reports when you install the iConsole Standard Searches and Reports component.
The RQ search can be run by any reviewer to retrieve unreviewed events in their individual review queue. The RQ reports provide administrators with technical information about RQ database searches.
RQ is designed to work out-of-the-box with simple defaults; no additional configuration is needed. However, in a production environment you will almost certainly want to customize the queue (for example, by changing the event selection criteria or the sampling rules).
Finally, you must populate the queue with events awaiting review. Typically, you need to run or schedule a database job that calls the Populate_Queue procedure.
Details for steps 1, 3 and 4 are in the iConsole Review Queue Configuration Guide. Details for step 2 are in the Platform Deployment Guide.
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