Message Server Integration Guide › Sendmail and Postfix Integration › Install the Milter MTA agent
Install the Milter MTA agent
When you install the Milter MTA agent, you are prompted for details about the Milter user, installation directory and socket connection.
To install the Milter MTA agent
- As root, run this shell command to extract the installation files:
Where <path> specifies the mount point of the CA DataMinder distribution media containing the file. For example:
Where <mount> is the mount point.
- When the file extraction is complete, prompts you for the following details.
- Sendmail or Postfix: Specify whether you are installing an integration agent for Sendmail or Postfix (options 1 and 2 respectively).
- Existing mail agent user: Specify the ‘Milter user’ you chose or created, (for example, miltuser). The Milter MTA agent runs as this user.
- Installation directory: Specify the directory where you want to install the Milter MTA agent. For example:
- Socket identifier for Sendmail: Specify the socket that will be used for communication between Sendmail and the Milter MTA agent. Note that this socket is created and deleted when you start and stop the Milter MTA agent.
Important! This identifier must match the socket specified in
Specify a local socket if you are installing the Milter MTA agent directly onto the Sendmail or Postfix server. Specify an Internet socket if you are installing the Milter MTA agent on a separate Linux machine.
- Local socket: The socket syntax takes this format:
It defaults to the installation directory you specified in step 5 (in this case, /opt/milt), but you can specify an alternative location if required.
- Internet socket: The syntax takes this format:
inet:CA Portal@<agent host server>
For Internet sockets, the specified CA Portal number must not be used by another application. You can identify the Milter MTA agent host server by IP address or name (such as For example:
- IP address of Socket agent host machine: Enter the IP address of the machine hosting the CA DataMinder Socket API.
- Socket agent port number: Enter the port number for the listening port on the Socket API host server. Or you can accept the default port (8538).
Note: Press Enter to accept the default port number.
- Configure a secondary Socket agent: If required, you can specify a secondary Socket API on a separate machine to ensure high availability. If your primary Socket API (step 7) becomes unavailable for any reason, the Milter MTA agent will automatically switch to the secondary Socket API.
Type y or n to indicate whether or not you want to configure a secondary Socket API. If you type y, the installation script prompts you for the IP address and port number on the machine hosting the secondary Socket API.
- now lists a summary of the Milter MTA agent details. If you need to amend any details, you can do so now. Otherwise, confirm the details to begin the file transfer.
In particular, the script installs the following items to the installation directory you specified in step 5:
- wgnmilter.conf. This is the Milter MTA agent configuration file. It is installed into the installation directory you specified in step 5. You will need to edit this file to configure the agent.
- Scripts to automatically start and stop the Milter MTA agent when the host machine starts up or shuts down.
- RunWgnMilter script. Run this script to update the Milter MTA agent with changed configuration details.
- Uninstall script. Run this script to uninstall the Milter MTA agent.
More information:
Create User for Milter MTA Agent
Turn On Sendmail and Postfix Integration
Configure the Milter MTA Agent
Uninstall the Milter MTA Agent
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