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How the Minimum Retention Periods Work

The Minimum Retention Period in the CMS machine policy determines how long events are retained on the local CA DataMinder machine (though the retention period can be manually overwritten by reviewers in the Data Management console or iConsole, or by a trigger‑specific Minimum Retention Period in the user’s policy.

For example, if the CMS’s Minimum Retention Period is set to 365 days, and its Event Purge Frequency set to 1 day, then an event purge runs daily on the CMS, deleting events more than one year old from both the CA DataMinder database and the Content Manager.

Note: The Minimum Retention Period on an Event Import machine (or any CA DataMinder server) does not determine how long blobs are retained on the Content Manager. Its purpose is solely to determine when events become eligible for purging from the local CA DataMinder machine.