Archive Integration Guide › Universal Adapter › Configuring the Universal Adapter › Set Up and Configure the Input Source Structure › Input Templates Overview
Input Templates Overview
Each input source mailbox must have its own registry subkey and parent template.
A parent template is a set of registry values contained in a custom subkey within the Templates registry key. Using a parent template enables you to set the value of registry settings for multiple ‘child’ mailboxes. For this reason, we recommend that a template contains only those registry values that are common to all its child mailboxes; if you need to make custom changes to an individual mailbox source, you must configure the registry settings within that mailbox source.
To reference a parent template to a child mailbox, configure the BaseTemplate registry value within the mailbox subkey.
- You can create multiple templates, but only one can be used per mailbox.
- If a registry value is set within a mailbox subkey and a template, the Universal Adapter uses the value in the mailbox subkey.
- If any value in the input is left blank, the Universal Adapter looks for that registry value first in the template, and if not there, uses CA DataMinder hard coded defaults. We recommend that you do not rely on these defaults, as they could potentially change in a future version.
- Some values (for example, the filters) do not have defaults. If these values are not specified by either the input or its template, then an invalid configuration is reported and the input is disabled.
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