These two settings are handled in a similar way. In both cases, the default port numbers have been carefully chosen to minimize the risk that the default port numbers are already allocated to another service.
default.pingports=56098 57098
If the default.pingports setting is removed from the file, CA DataMinder uses port number 56098. On some machines, this port number may already be used by another service so a CA DataMinder installation will fail unless you specify a new number.
CA DataMinder will use the first available UDP port listed in the setting.
default.rmiports=56099 57099
If the default.rmiports setting is removed from the file, CA DataMinder will use port number 56099. On some machines, this port number may already be used by another service so a CA DataMinder installation will fail unless you specify a fallback number.
CA DataMinder will use the first available TCP port listed in the setting.
For example, to reallocate port numbers 5000 to the machine identification service and 5001 to the RMI registry, copy these lines to the file on each CA DataMinder machine:
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