Previous Topic: Install the De-Duplication DatabaseNext Topic: Register the De-Duplication Filter

Install the De-Duplication Filter

This section describes how to install the De‑Duplication Filter using the Windows De‑Duplication Filter installation wizard.

To launch the De‑Duplication Filter installation wizard

  1. Run sevddup.msi.

    Find this in the \Win32\Support\Sevddup folder on your distribution media.

  2. In the Customer Information screen, enter your user name and organization. This information is required for licensing purposes.
  3. In the Custom Setup screen, choose the CA De‑Duplication Filter feature.
  4. In the De-Duplication Database Location screen, specify the name or IP address of the De-Duplication Database Server.

    This is the De-Duplication database created in the previous section.

  5. The installation wizard now has all the information it needs. Click Install to start the file transfer.

Note: By default, the De-Duplication Filter is set up in test mode.