To create new event searches and make them available to all iConsole users, you must first write a stored procedure (SP) in the CMS database. This ‘search SP’ contains SQL statements that define a specific search for captured or imported events. CA DataMinder supports search SPs for both Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases.
You must then create and install an XML search definition file onto the CMS. The search definition file defines the search parameters, including customizable parameters, and the layout of the search results screen in the iConsole. It also references the name of a stored procedure (SP) in the CMS database.
After installing the search definition file, you can test a new search in the iConsole. Specifically, you need to confirm that the search correctly references the search SP and returns a valid set of search results.
Finally, after testing a new search, you must publish it. When you publish a new search, it becomes available to all other iConsole users and is listed in the Predefined Searches list in the iConsole Search screen.
This process is summarized below:
Note: For further information, see the iConsole Search Definition Guide. This guide is available to download from CA Support at
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