Identifies the server hosting the LDAP directory. You can specify the server name or IP address.
If the LDAP port number is not 389, you can prefix it with a colon after the server name, for example:
/sv UNI-HARDY-XP:319
Specifies the user account used by CA DataMinder to access the LDAP database.
Specifies the password for the LDAP user specified by the /un parameter.
Caches in a secure location the credentials used to access the LDAP database. These are the credentials specified by /un and /pw.
The purpose of this parameter is to allow all subsequent import operations to log on to the LDAP database using these cached credentials. This eliminates the need to include sensitive account details in your import configuration file. See the /ec parameter below for details.
Before you begin ‘real’ LDAP import operations, we recommend that you run a single ‘actionless’ import operation with the /cc parameter, solely to cache your LDAP credentials.
Enables CA DataMinder to log on to the LDAP database using the cached credentials previously specified by the /cc parameter. This is the logon method we recommend.
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