Platform Deployment Guide › Account Import › Modify LDAP Values with Conversion Expressions › Section Syntax
Section Syntax
Each [section] defines the text that you want to extract from a single, specified component of the Exchange address.
- Square brackets [ ] delimit the section. These can also be used to nest expressions, for example, to create multiple search sections:
This example uses square brackets to define two search terms, 'srimmel' and '@unipraxis'.
- "Double quotes" delimit the search expression. For each section, this represents the text that you want to extract from the email address and incorporate into the CA DataMinder user name.
- Curly brackets { } delimit the text actually extracted from the email address (the ‘extracted text’).
- Supported variables <search_text> and <extracted_text> jointly define which part of an email address supplies the extracted text.
- Supported parameters 'repeat', 'subsection', 'substitute', 'mandatory' and 'default' allow you to precisely locate and, if necessary, modify the extracted text.
- Variables are processed in the order they are specified in the expression.
More information:
Conversion Expression Variables
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