User Attribute lookup can detect e-mails sent to or from CA Data Protection users with specific account attributes. A syntax summary and brief examples are given below.
Before you can use User Attribute lookup commands, you must configure additional policy settings.
Note: CA Data Protection triggers can also detect emails sent to or from non- CA Data Protection users by the absence of a specific user attribute.
Simple Commands
These commands test a simple True or False statement relating to a single user attribute of the email recipients or sender. For example, if a 'Team' attribute has been created for your organization, you can define a command to test whether any email recipients are members of a specific team. The syntax is:
userattr WITH <who> [labeled <fallguy>] WHERE <uservar> [labeled <offlimits>] <stringoperator> <text>
The simple example below detects all outgoing emails where any of the recipients are members of the equity markets team:
userattr WITH any %recipient% WHERE Team IS "Equity Markets"
Complex Commands
More complex commands can include AND, OR and NOT operators to combine multiple True or False tests. For example, if 'Team' and 'Rank' attributes have been created for your organization, you can define a command to test whether an email's recipients include a manager in the equity markets team.
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