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Data Lookup Commands and True-False Tests

A Data Lookup command is an individual setting within an email trigger. The command itself specifies one or more tests. Each test is a True or False statement that relates to an email characteristic. For example, a Data Lookup command may test whether any of the email recipients belong to a particular department. Or it may test whether an email is larger than, for example, 50KB. A Data Lookup command for this test follows:

msgattr WHERE msgsizekb > 50

If the test returns a True value, the Data Lookup command causes the trigger to activate. If you define a command with multiple tests, you can specify whether any or all of the test results must be True in order to activate the trigger.

For example, you can define a Message Attribute lookup command that activates a control trigger if the total message impact (the message size multiplied by the number for recipients) exceeds, for example, 1MB. If this returns a True value, the trigger activates to block the email or warn the user against sending it.

Likewise, you can define an Address Book lookup command that activates a control trigger if the test for any email recipient returns a True value. For example, you may want to prevent certain users sending emails to members of the Sales department. Here, for each targeted email, recipient tests return a False value if a recipient is not in Sales. If CA Data Protection detects any recipient who is in the Sales department, the Data Lookup test for that recipient returns a True value and the control trigger activates to block the email.