You can combine multiple commands using AND, OR and NOT operators. For example, you can combine multiple msgattr commands to detect messages that exceed a maximum size or where the number of recipients exceeded a maximum limit. You can even link totally disparate commands. This is particularly useful if you want to combine different types of Data Lookup command. All in cases, the syntax is:
Where (CMDn) is a complete, self-contained userattr, mapi or msgattr data lookup command.
For example, you can combine Message Attribute and Address Book lookup commands to block e-mails sent to the La Paz or Lima offices unless the total message impact is less than 5MB. The syntax is:
NOT (msgattr WHERE msgimpactkb < 5000) AND (mapi WITH any %recipient% WHERE Office CONTAINS ANY {"La Paz","Lima"})
The following is another example of a composite True-False test. It uses the positive operator IS with two sub-commands.
(mapi with %sender% where dept IS "sales") AND (userattr with %recipient% where position IS "manager")
If there is one sender and three recipients, this command requires the following three lookup operations, each containing two sub-operations:
((mapi with where dept IS "sales") AND (userattr with where position IS "manager")) OR ((mapi with where dept IS "sales") AND (userattr with where position IS "manager")) OR ((mapi with where dept IS "sales") AND (userattr with where position IS "manager"))
For any lookup operation to be true, both its sub-operations must be true. For example, for the first lookup operation to be true, Omar must be in the Sales department and Spencer must be a manager.
For the test itself to be true, only one of the three lookup operations needs to be true.
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