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Administration Search Results

For predefined administration searches, the following details are included in the search results screen:

User Searches

Data returned by these searches can include:

Assigned Policy Version

The version of the latest policy assigned to a user or group. This version is held on the CMS and replicated automatically to the relevant gateway or client machine at intervals determined in the CMS policy.

Base Group

The management group or subgroup to which the user belongs.

Creation Time

Date and time when the account was created.


The user's display name that appears in the iConsole and Data Management console.

Last Login Time

The date and time when the user last logged into CA Data Protection.


The computer being used by users currently logged into CA Data Protection.

Name or UserName

The CA Data Protection logon name for the user.

Native User

The Windows logon account for users currently logged into CA Data Protection.

Reported Policy Version

The version number of a user policy reported by a client machine when it logs on to the CMS.


The role assigned to the current user. This role determines the default set of privileges assigned to that user.

Machine Searches

Data returned by these searches can include:

Assigned Policy Version

The version of the latest policy assigned to a machine. This version is held on the CMS and replicated automatically to the relevant gateway or client machine at intervals determined in the CMS policy.

Checkpoint Reply Time (minutes)

The average time that the machine takes to send a checkpoint acknowledgment. Use this data to identify machines that are slow to respond. Such information can help identify replication latencies on your network.


The number of child machines parented to the current server.

Connected Y/N

Identifies machines currently logged into CA Data Protection.


The date and time when the machine account was created.

Days Since Checkpoint Reply

The number of days since the machine last sent a checkpoint acknowledgment.

Note: More accurately, this count shows the number of full 24 hour periods since the last acknowledgment.

Downstream Queue

The number of infrastructure changes (policy and hierarchy objects) that the current machine has not yet received from its parent server.

Last Connection

The date and time of the most recent connection when the machine was last connected.

Last Replication Time

The date and time when infrastructure updates were last received from the parent server.


The name of the CA Data Protection machine.


The name of the parent server.

Reported Policy Version

The version number of the machine policy reported by a machine when it logs on to the CMS.


Client, Gateway, Utility or CMS.

Software Version

The version of CA Data Protection running on this machine.


This column shows OK or an error code.

The error code indicates the cause of the current machine state. For example, the error code for a suspended machine may indicate the cause of the suspension.


The current operational status of the machine. Possible values are Running, Offline, Stopped or Failed.

Note: Failed means that the CA Data Protection infrastructure failed to start.

Synchronization State

Indicates whether the CA Data Protection infrastructure on the current machine is fully with its parent server.

Unanswered Checkpoints

The number of checkpoints that have not been acknowledged by the current machine.

Upstream Queue

The number of outstanding objects (captured or imported events) awaiting replication up to the parent server.