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Note: All search fields that require text input support ? and * wildcards.

Supported wildcards

CA Data Protection supports the familiar * and ? wildcards. It also supports % and _ (underscore) wildcards, as used in SQL database queries.

When defining a search, you can use these wildcards in any field that requires text input.  In these fields, you can substitute % or * for zero or more characters; you can substitute _ or ? for a single character.

Automatic wildcards

When you enter any text in a search filter, CA Data Protection adds leading and trailing % wildcards automatically when you enter a text value. For example, CA Data Protection interprets:

Manual wildcards

You can manually enter % or * and _ or ? as internal wildcards within any text string in any search filter. For example:

Literal wildcards

To search for literal % or * and _ or ?  wildcard characters, prefix them with a backslash. For example: