Note: All search fields that require text input support ? and * wildcards.
CA Data Protection supports the familiar * and ? wildcards. It also supports % and _ (underscore) wildcards, as used in SQL database queries.
When defining a search, you can use these wildcards in any field that requires text input. In these fields, you can substitute % or * for zero or more characters; you can substitute _ or ? for a single character.
When you enter any text in a search filter, CA Data Protection adds leading and trailing % wildcards automatically when you enter a text value. For example, CA Data Protection interprets:
This example filters the search to only include users such as spencerrimmel.
This example filters the search to only include user groups such as 'Management' or 'Direct Marketing'.
You can manually enter % or * and _ or ? as internal wildcards within any text string in any search filter. For example:
To search for literal % or * and _ or ? wildcard characters, prefix them with a backslash. For example:
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