The screen layouts for an individual iConsole search are defined by parameters in a search definition file. Search definition files are written in XML and must contain the following parameters:
description="E-mails sent by research department in last 7 days"
<parameter name="chkWE" type="checkbox" argpos="1" label="Email Events:" value="false" align="right" tooltip="Select to get captured Email Events"/>
<results> <column name="EmailCount" label="The number of emails stored is:" type="numeric" width="50%" style="color:red"/> </results>
Note: In the extracts above, the command syntax has been spread over multiple lines for readability purposes. However, the actual command must be on a single line in the batch file.
Note: An individual search definition file can contain default parameters to define the layout of multiple search definitions.
For more details, see the iConsole Search Definition Guide.
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