All External Agent Socket API messages contain a two part header plus a variable length payload, followed by footer. The overall length of the message must be an integer multiple of four bytes. Padding bytes (set to zero) may be required after each entry in the Payload field to achieve this.
The primary header contains the following fields:
Bytes |
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Mandatory? |
0 – 3 |
Schema ID |
Identifies the schema for the message. This value must be set to WGNSCH_SKT_SERVER_VER1 as defined by the WGN_MSGSCHEMATYPE enumeration. |
Yes |
4 – 7 |
Message Size |
Overall size of message including headers. This limits maximum file size to approx. 4 GB. |
Yes |
The format of the secondary header is as follows:
Bytes |
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Mandatory? |
0 – 3 |
RoutingID |
Can be used for load balancing with the Distributor. If used, it must be present in the Distributor Routing ID table. |
No |
4 – 7 |
Message ID |
Unique message identifier. |
Yes |
8 – 11 |
MessageType |
Identifies the message type - one of the WGN_MESSAGETYPE enumerations in Appendix B. |
Yes |
12 |
Priority |
Priority of the message 0 (low) 256 (high) (reserved for future use) – Must be zero. Zero means use the default priority. |
Yes |
13 |
Flags1 |
FLAGS1_ExpectReply (0x01) Set by Socket Agent when a completion message is required. |
- |
14 |
Flags2 |
FLAGS2_ReturnToSenderPort (0x01) FLAGS2_EnablePartialEvent (0x02) FLAGS2_MultipartMsgFirst (0x04) FLAGS2_MultipartMsgIntermediate(0x08) FLAGS2_MultipartMsgLast(0x0C) |
- |
15 |
Flags3 |
Reserved – Must be set to zero |
- |
16-19 |
Process Result |
Must be set to zero for messages passed to the External Agent API. On return, this field contains the HRESULT of processing the message. |
No |
20 – 23 |
Routing Context |
Internal use – The Distributor sets this to the IP address of the sender. The Distributor passes back the IP Address of the Socket Agent on the Response. On an External Agent request message, this must be set to zero. When sending an External Agent completion message, the application sets these to the Routing Context from the original message response. |
- |
24 – 27 |
Reserved2 |
Internal use – The Distributor sets this to the IP port of the sender. |
- |
28 – 31 |
Reserved 3 |
Reserved for internal use. Must be set to zero. |
- |
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