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User Policies

CA Data Protection user policies can control email, file, and Web activity across your organization. They can also control what applications your users can run and what documents they can print. By editing the settings in a user policy, you have flexibility to control and capture user behavior.

For example, you can block undesirable emails or you can warn the user. You can notify users if an email requires their attention and you can quarantine emails that require a manager’s approval. Likewise, you can prevent users from accessing inappropriate Web sites, and even redirect them to an alternative URL. You can also stop users submitting data to a Web site. Similarly, if users try to print or copy sensitive files, you can block or warn against these operations. You can also save a copy of the file for further inspection. If using CA Data Protection to scan stored data, you can delete, move or replace unauthorized documents.

This section briefly describes how to administer user policies in the Adminstration console. For full details about configuring user policies to protect your data, see the Policy Guide.

This section contains the following topics:

User Policy Contents

Policy Versions

User Policy Editor

Edit a Policy

Export, Import, and Copy Policies