Data At Rest triggers include general settings that let you specify which types of document you want the CFSA or FSA to scan. For example, you can edit the triggers to detect specific file formats (such as Microsoft Word documents) and analyze a file’s text content. This section focuses on the key Data At Rest settings.
In each Data At Rest trigger, this setting instructs the trigger to process files or documents captured or scanned by any of the following:
Verify that the Client File System Agent check box or File Scanning Agent check box is selected! This enables the trigger to analyze items scanned by the CFSA or FSA respectively.
All Data At Rest triggers include Top Level File Lists. Use these lists to detect normal files or zip files. You edit these lists to identify the names of files that you want to apply policy to when a scan runs. For example, you can specify:
For each trigger, you can choose whether to use an Included, Excluded, or Ignored file list.
If required, Data At Rest triggers can look for files contained within a zip file or embedded in a master file. To do this, edit the Individual/Embedded File Lists. For each trigger, you can choose to use an Included or Excluded file list.
Using these lists in conjunction with the Top Level File Lists, you can feasibly search all .zip files for a specific file. For example, set Included Top Level Names to *.zip and Included Individual/Embedded File Names to *.doc to search for all .doc files contained within .zip files.
Data At Rest control actions also support ‘copy’ actions, permitting you to copy scanned files to an alternative location. When used in combination with a ‘delete’ actions (see below), a copy action effectively becomes a ‘move file’ action.
In each Data At Rest control action, the Intervention setting determines how CA Data Protection handles scanned files. The available options allow you to categorize or delete scanned files. If necessary, you can specify DoD deletions; these ensure that deleted files cannot be recovered (see below). You can also replace deleted files with an explanatory stub file to alleviate any user concerns or categorize the resulting file event.
DoD deletion is forensic deletion, so called because the storage media are purged to guarantee that a file cannot be recovered and used to obtain evidence in legal discovery. ‘DoD’ is a reference to Department of Defense approved methods for purging storage media.
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