Older content databases remain in the IDOL content database until you purge them (that is, delete them). Use the IDOL database management utility, IdolMgr, to purge content databases based on their age.
For example, you can schedule regular IdolMgr jobs to purge databases that are more than six months old. This allows you to maintain a rolling six-month history of indexed documents.
You typically schedule the IdolMgr to run on the CA Data Protection content indexer server or content proxy server. You run IdolMgr from a command line. The command syntax is shown below.
IdolMgr [-databases[=days|date]] [-purge=days|date] [-commitchanges] [-noprompt] [-verbose] [-server=server[:port]] [-license=string] [-help]
Lists the IDOL databases. If you specify the optional parameter, IdolMgr only lists databases that are older than n days or older than the specified date.
Format: A time period of n days, or a date in the format dd/mm/yy.
Example: To list only databases containing documents more than 7 days old:
IdolMgr -databases=7
Note: If your IDOL content database is very large, IdolMgr may time out before it can finish listing the databases. If this happens, you must extend the query timeout.
Deletes IDOL databases that are older than n days or older than the given date and which contain no documents more recent than that. IdolMgr prompts you for confirmation before it deletes a database. Use this command with the -commitchanges option.
Example: Use the following command to view the list of databases that are older than 60 days and contain no documents more recent than 60 days, without actually deleting any databases yet:
IdolMgr -purge=60
Format: A time period of n days, or a date in the format dd/mm/yy.
(Optional) Commit IDOL database changes.
Important: If you do not specify this parameter, IdolMgr only executes searches and other actions and reports the results, but it does not actually commit the changes to the IDOL server databases.
Example: Use the following command to delete databases on the IDOL server that are older than 60 days and contain no documents more recent than 60 days:
IdolMgr -purge=60 -commitchanges
Executes the command without prompting you for confirmation. The command still reports the results of the action.
Example: This command deletes all databases that are older than 60 days without prompting for confirmation:
IdolMgr -purge=60 -commitchanges -noprompt
Displays additional progress and status information for the command. The output includes the commands sent by IdolMgr to the IDOL server plus extended error information.
Example: This command displays additional progress information while deleting all databases that are older than 60 days:
IdolMgr -verbose -purge=60 -commitchanges
(Optional) Specifies the name of the IDOL server and, optionally, the service port number. If you do not specify the server details, IdolMgr attempts to use the default values from the registry. If the defaults are not specified either, IdolMgr does not continue.
IdolMgr -server=localhost IdolMgr -server=localhost:9002
Default: The data set for the IDOLServerName and IDOLServerServicePort registry values. Find these values in the follow registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ComputerAssociates\CA DataMinder \CurrentVersion\Content Services\IDOL Provider
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\CA DataMinder\CurrentVersion \Content Services\IDOL Provider
Specifies the IDOL server license string to connect to the IDOL server. If you do not specify the license string, IdolMgr attempts to read it from the registry value OverrideKey (see the previous parameter for registry key details).
If you do not specify the license string parameter or the OverrideKey registry value, IdolMgr uses the default CA OEM license string.
IdolMgr -databases=7 -license=UHFyiffLKtljKe7JuM3DA74EAI3zMPsN/khhg2i
Default: CA OEM license string.
IdolMgr runs as a scheduled task once a month to delete databases that are older than 6 months (180 days). To do this, schedule the following command on the content indexer server or content proxy server:
IdolMgr -purge:180 -commitchanges -noprompt
Note: IdolMgr contains several other command options to allow you to examine your databases and decide what management regime is best for you. We recommend that you try out these other commands before committing to a purge regime.
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