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Activity Log Codes

The following are error, warning, success and informational codes for the activity log file:

E0009 (Error 9)

Server <machine name> is running an incompatible version of the infrastructure. All communication with it has been suspended.


The machine that initiated communications with this machine is running a different version of the inter-machine comms protocol. Comms will resume if the machine is upgraded.

E0015 (Error 21)

<machine name> is running an incompatible version of the infrastructure (<software version> Internal version <comms version>). All communication with it has been suspended.


Comms cannot be initiated to the specified machine because it is running a different version of the inter-machine comms protocol. Comms will resume if the machine is upgraded.

E0016 (Error 22)

Failed to upload data to <machine name > on shutdown. Reason: <error description>


On shutdown, a client or gateway attempts to replicate all remaining data to its parent machine. This message is logged on failure (for example, parent machine not contactable).

This error only occurs on client machines and gateways.

E0020 (Error 32)

Could not load policy <policy name> – <error description>.


Unable to load machine or user policy (name of policy and error given for example, corrupt file).

E0021 (Error 33)

Could not save policy <policy name> – <error description>.


Unable to save machine or user policy (name of policy and error given, for example, disk error).

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E0024 (Error 36)

Replicated update of <object description> from <source machine> could not be stored in the database.


Replication error – could not replicate (copy) specified object from specified machine.

E0025 (Error 37)

Replicated deletion of <object description> from <source machine> failed.


Replication error – could not replicate (delete) specified object from specified machine.

E0026 (Error 38)

Machine <machine name> is a <CMS|Gateway|Client|Utility> but is in the database as a <CMS|Gateway|Client|Utility>.


Installation error/missing installation files. See system log for more info.

E0027 (Error 39)

Corrupt or missing <User|Machine> restriction policy.


Defaulting to the most restrictive license because the restriction policy is not readable. Install a new one using the Administration console.

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E0028 (Error 40)

Infrastructure failed to start correctly. <(error description>)


Product is now disabled because the infrastructure cannot run. Possible installation error. See system log for more info.

E002C (Error 44)

The export process has halted with error: <(error description)>


Error when exporting user or machine account information to a text file (for example, user cancelation).

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E002F (Error 47)

Unsupported DBMS (<DBMS description>) has been detected. The infrastructure cannot be started.


The installed DBMS cannot be identified/is not supported.

E003A (Error 58)

The machine policy schema version is <schema version> but the expected version is <schema version>.


Schema versions consist of a major and minor version number. The machine policy schema version has a different major version, so it is incompatible and this machine will be suspended.

E003E (Error 62)

The <service name> service for <instance> running on host <machine name> is not responding.


A service (for example, a Quarantine Manager) has stopped responding, so it is no longer available to the CMS.

E0044 (Error 68)

Error synchronizing data from new parent, <machine name>. Check status of <machine name> and restart this machine.


Gateways and clients must synchronize basic machine information with their parent if they are moved in the hierarchy. This message indicates that a failure has occurred.

This error only occurs on client machines and gateways.

E0045 (Error 69)

Unable to resynchronize <table name> data from our parent machine. The machine and user settings in use by this machine may be invalid or out of date.


The specified database table could not be synchronized from the parent machine.

This error only occurs on client machines and gateways.

E0046 (Error 70)

Machine <machine name> is trying to create a user record for <user account name> but there is no record of machine <machine name>.


A client machine is requesting that a new user account be created, but the client machine name is not recognized – it has no account itself.

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E0047 (Error 71)

The database schema version <version from database table> is not compatible with the infrastructure schema version <database version from software>.


Installation/upgrade error. The database content is incompatible with the software.

E004C (Error 76)

The database schema is inaccessible or has been corrupted.


The database may be corrupted or have a configuration error.

E004F (Error 79)


The Policy Check process has completed. Errors: <number of errors>. Policies verified: <number of checked policies>. Policies fixed: <number of policies fixed>.

The PolicyCheck command line utility has been run and errors were detected in the results.

E0050 (Error 80)

The infrastructure has been suspended. (<reason>)


The suspension may have been initiated by a user via the Admin Console or automatically for example, if the local disk is full.

E0052 (Error 82)

Could not load policy <policy name>. There is an error in the policy document with id <database id: error description>.


Unable to load machine or user policy (name/id of policy and error given for example, corrupt file).

E0053 (Error 83)

Could not save policy <policy name>. There is an error in the policy document with id <database id: error description>.


Unable to save machine or user policy (name/id of policy and error given for example, disk error).

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E0054 (Error 84)

Unexpected database error. Code:<DBMS error code> Object: <current database object> Description: <error description from DBMS.>


Database failure – see database documentation for additional info.

E0056 (Error 86)

Data directory free disk space has fallen below <number> MB. The infrastructure will now be suspended.


Automatic suspension due to disk being too full. Making more space available will cause an automatic resume.

E005A (Error 90)

Unexpected error during resynchronization. Object: <database object> Description: <error description>


Detailed info on resync failure (see E0045). See system log for more info.

This error only occurs on client machines and gateways.

E005D (Error 93)

Centera support is disabled because the required library files are not present. Install the library files and re-start the Infrastructure Service.


To install the Centera library files, select the CA Data Protection Server component "CMS Storage Connectors, EMC Centera Connector" using the installation wizard.

E007B (Error 123)

The Centera record with hash code <Centera hash code> could not be deleted when deleting <event record identifier> (<reason>).


A purge process has failed to remove a Centera record. The reason may include a Centera API error code. The deletion will be reattempted during the next purge.

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E007F (Error 127)

The data blob at location <disk location> could not be deleted.


The purge of a file-system based blob has failed. Check file permissions and access.

E0091 (Error 145)

An error occurred purging data from the database : <exception information>


Check purge settings and database consistency.

E0098 (Error 152)

Data Reconciliation did not complete successfully : <exception information>


See exception information for more detail.

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E009F (Error 159)

Data Lookup handler <handler name> could not be created.


The data lookup plug-in is not compatible with the infrastructure.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E00A0 (Error 160)

Data Lookup was unable to find a parent server to handle the request.


The data lookup handler for the current request is not present on this machine.

This error only occurs on the CMS.

E00A2 (Error 162)

Data Lookup handler conversion expression for mail type <email address type> failed: <error description>


The syntax of the email address conversion expression is incorrect.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E00AF (Error 175)

Import filter had the following syntax error: <error description>.


The user policy setting "Infrastructure/Filter/User Filter" contains an error.

E00B7 (Error 183)

<event name> ---> Failed to replicate the BLOB file for <machine>.


Indicates that the blob file for the named event did not replicate to the named machine.

E00BA (Error 186)

Error storing <number> BLOB files to <blob storage device>. Number of <blob storage device> errors: <number>. <error description>


Indicates how many blob files failed to be stored and the number of errors corresponding to those failed blob files.

E00BB (Error 187)

Synchronization of Infrastructure Data was incomplete, and will be attempted again later.


This error can occur on Gateways, Clients or Utility machines. Failure could have been due to network connectivity or CMS loading.

E00CB (Error 203)

The storage queue for <blob storage device> now contains <number> BLOB files. The infrastructure will be suspended.


Indicates how many blob files are in the specified blob storage device.

E00E7 (Error 231)

Error setting retention period on file '<file name>'. <SnapLock error description>. Number of NetApp SnapLock errors: <number of errors so far>.


Indicates that the retention period was not set for the specified file. The precise error is detailed in <SnapLock error description>. The count of the number of errors is also output. This count resets to zero if the infrastructure is restarted.

E0526 (Error 1318)

The Collection Manager process (wgncm.exe) required a restart after terminating unexpectedly.


Indicates that a policy engine or client integration automatically recovered after the local user process (wgncm.exe) terminated.

E0535 (Error 1333)

Trigger <name> was not created for a mail with subject <subject>. The associated quarantine action is not allowed for this client type.


The assigned policy is configured to quarantine an e‑mail, but this feature is not supported on this type of client. The quarantine action should be disabled for this type of client.

This error only occurs on the email client machine.

W0B09 (Warning 2825)

Console error for TAABSVR1: 'The program could not display this event correctly. (The Remote Data Manager was given invalid data.)' Details: '0xe563f407: Unable to access BLOB file contents.'.


Retrieval failed. The version of the WgnRDM.dll module is tied to the version of the WgnZDS.dll module, and you need to update both for ZANTAZ Digital Safe to work.


Update your WgnZDS.dll, smtputils.dll, and Wgnmsg.dll.

E0B0A (Error 2826)

Console message for <machine name>. '<Error message>'. Details: '<Additional info>'.


Logged on the machine where the console is running. The console has experienced an unexpected error.

E0F43 (Error 3907)

Data lookup for trigger '<trigger name>' failed. See the following message for details…


Depending on the following message, check the connection to the parent machine, configuration of the parent machine email address conversion policy, or the syntax of the relevant data lookup command.

E0F45 (Error 3909)

Data lookup source '<lookup source>' was not recognized.


Check the syntax of 'Data lookup command' in the trigger identified in the log.

E0F46 (Error 3910)

Data lookup failed with error '<error description>'.


This is a general error message that will be present when a lookup command fails.

E0F69 (Error 3945)

The "Block" data lookup failure mode can only be performed in client integration - raising trigger '<trigger>' instead.


The failure mode for a data lookup command was configured to 'block' the e‑mail on a client that does not support this (for example, server integration). The fallback behavior in this case is to raise the trigger. The data lookup failure mode should be updated to 'fire' or 'do not fire' or else the trigger should be disabled on the server.

I1027 (Informational 4135)

No events found in time slices


The CMS contains time periods when no events are captured. No events were indexed between the messages.


Increase the TIMESLICE setting of the job to reduce the number of time slices that fail to find events. The default time slice value in the OPT file is 60 minutes (1 hour). Increase the size of a time slice until the performance of the content indexer improves. For example, try setting it to 1440 minutes(a day).

E130E (Error 4878)

A policy engine created by machine '<machine>' failed to initialize. See the following message for details…


General failure error. The following error indicates the specific problem; this could be a system problem such as lack of memory. This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1284 (Error 4740)

The Remote Data Manager failed to process a request: 'The Remote Data Manager was given invalid data. ' (0xE5631202).


Retrieval failed. The version of the WgnRDM.dll module is tied to the version of the WgnZDS.dll module, and you need to update both for ZANTAZ Digital Safe to work.


Update your WgnRDM.dll, smtputils.dll, and Wgnmsg.dll.

E1284 (Error 4740)

The Remote Data Manager failed to process a request: 'The adapter failed to process the asset. ' (0xE5632285).


Retrieval failed. The version of the WgnRDM.dll module is tied to the version of the WgnZDS.dll module, and you need to update both for ZANTAZ Digital Safe to work.


Update your WgnZDS.dll, smtputils.dll, and Wgnmsg.dll.

E1292 (Error 4754)

The Remote Data Manager failed to process the email because it was not a valid structured storage file.


Retrieval failed. The version of the WgnRDM.dll module is tied to the version of the WgnZDS.dll module, and you need to update both for ZANTAZ Digital Safe to work.


Update your WgnRDM.dll, smtputils.dll, and Wgnmsg.dll.

E1310 (Error 4880)

The policy engine failed with error '<error description>'.


This is a general error message that will be present in the log after another policy engine failure message to provide additional information. This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1323 (Error 4899)

The policy engine failed to get an e‑mail from machine '<machine name>' for processing. See the following message for details…


This usually indicates that the policy engine did not have access rights to the policy engine hub.

Check that the policy engine service user matches the user details typed on the "wgnphub –setcredentials" command line.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1325 (Error 4901)

Policy engine failed to contact machine '<machine>'. See the following message for details…


Check the connection to the policy engine hub and that the policy engine service user has access rights.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1326 (Error 4902)

The policy engine hub failed with error '<error information>'.


This is a general error message that will be present in the log after another policy engine failure message to provide more information.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1328 (Error 4904)

The policy engine failed to initialize the directory lookup module. See the following message for details…


There may have been an installation problem with the wgndlook.dll file. Check this file is present in the CA Data Protection client subdirectory.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E132D (Error 4909)

The policy engine failed to set '<user name>' as the fallback user. See the following message for details…


Check that the specified fallback user exists in the user hierarchy.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E132F (Error 4911)

The policy engine failed to set '<user name>' as the failed lookup user. See the following message for details…


Check that the specified default user (previously called 'failed lookup user') exists in the user hierarchy.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1333 (Error 4915)

A CA Data Protection user could not be located or created for email address '<address>'. Please see the following message for details…


Check the email address to CA Data Protection user machine policy settings, or enable auto user creation.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1336 (Error 4918)

The Policy Engine was expecting a callback, indicating that the event was saved, but no callback was received.


An event could not be saved in the database. This could be a system problem such as lack of memory or due to an error in another component of CA Data Protection .

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E133D (Error 4925)

A required client action result was not supplied.


Some server-based clients can process a single e‑mail in two passes; the first pass identifies user actions/interventions (for example, warning dialogs) and the second pass allows the user's responses to be stored with the e‑mail. This log message indicates that a required response to a user action was not supplied in the second pass.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1344 (Error 4932)

The local infrastructure service required a restart after terminating unexpectedly.


Indicates that the policy engine automatically recovered after the local CA Data Protection infrastructure terminated.

This error only occurs on policy engine machines.

E1500 (Error 5376)

The Directory Lookup Module could not bind to the rootDSE.


LDAP server is unavailable/authentication error.

An explicit bind to the rootDSE failed when trying to connect to the LDAP server to retrieve email address information.

Check the server name/network/connectivity/authentication details.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E1501 (Error 5377)

The Directory Lookup Module could not find the naming context. Incorrect LDAP server version or setup.


An attempt to find the default or schema naming context failed when connecting to the LDAP server to retrieve email address information. Check LDAP configuration.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E1502 (Error 5378)

The Directory Lookup Module could not bind to the specified object. Incorrect LDAP setup or object does not exist.


An attempt has been made to bind to a non-existent object in the LDAP database.

Check LDAP connectivity/configuration.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E1503 (Error 5379)

The Directory Lookup Module could not set search options.


Failed to set up an LDAP search.

Check LDAP configuration.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E1504 (Error 5380)

The Directory Lookup Module could not execute the search.


Failed to successfully search for an LDAP object.

Check LDAP connectivity/configuration.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E1505 (Error 5381)

The Directory Lookup Module could not connect to the LDAP Server <machine name>.

Additional information:
<Additional info>.


A connection to the LDAP server could not be established.

Check additional info for details.

This error only occurs on gateways and the CMS.

E150A (Error 5386)

An exception occurred while the Directory Lookup Module was initializing connections.


This log message will occur if a problem was encountered while reading the registry settings from the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ComputerAssociates\CA DataMinder\CurrentVersion\UserProcess

E1D00 (Error 7424)

No email ID or email server has been configured. The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> will not be able to resend messages.


The machine hosting the Quarantine Manager needs mailbox configuration information to be added to the registry.

E1D01 (Error 7425)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> could not access the email server <machine name> using the supplied configuration information. The error returned was <error description>.


Usually because of invalid mailbox information in the registry. See <error description> for more information.

E1D02 (Error 7426)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> could not access the email server <machine name> as it is unavailable. The error returned was <error description>.


The Quarantine Manager cannot connect to the email server. See <error description> for more information.

E1D03 (Error 7427)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> could not submit message with ID <event record identifier>. The error returned was <error description>. Submission of the message will be retried later.


The Quarantine Manager could not send the released email. See <error description> for more information.

E1D04 (Error 7428)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> could not submit message with ID <event record identifier> after <number> attempts. The message will not be resubmitted.


The Quarantine Manager has failed to submit the message 5 times and it will be marked as blocked.

E1D07 (Error 7431)

The Quarantine Manager could not logon to CMS <machine name>. The error returned was <error description>.


The reason for the logon failure is given in the <error description>.

E1D0B (Error 7435)

The message with ID <event record identifier> is incomplete/invalid and the Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> cannot send this message. The message will not be resubmitted.


The message in the CMS does not contain enough information to be sent or has been corrupted.

E1D0E (Error 7438)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> encountered an error when querying the CA Data Protection database. The error returned was <error description>.


The database query to retrieve the quarantined events has failed, see <error description> for more information.

E1D10 (Error 7440)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> could not register with the CMS <machine name>. The error returned was <error description>.


The attempt to register with the CMS failed, see <error description> for more information.

E1D11 (Error 7441)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> failed to connect to the CMS <machine name>. The error returned was <error description>.


Failed to connect with the CMS, see <error description> for more information.

E1D12 (Error 7442)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> does not have enough privileges to use the CMS <machine name>.


The account used for the Quarantine Manager does not have the 'Events: Control Quarantined events' privilege.

E1D14 (Error 7444)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> cannot send Lotus Notes e‑mails because Lotus Notes is not installed.


Lotus Notes Client software is not installed on the machine hosting the Quarantine Manager.

E1D15 (Error 7445)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> cannot send MAPI emails because Microsoft Outlook is not installed.


Microsoft Outlook is not installed on the machine hosting the Quarantine Manager.

E1D17 (Error 7447)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> cannot send Lotus Notes emails because no mailbox information has been configured.


No Lotus Notes mailbox has been specified in the Quarantine Manager configuration.

E1D18 (Error 7448)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> cannot send MAPI e‑mails because no mailbox information has been configured.


No Exchange mailbox has been specified in the Quarantine Manager configuration.

I0B10 (Informational 2832)

Published content agent '<agent name>'.


'<agent name>' content agent has been published.

I0B11 (Informational 2833)

Unpublished content agent '<agent name>'.


'<agent name>' content agent has been unpublished.

I0B14 (Informational 2836)

Exporting entire results set to PST.


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting the entire results set to an existing .PST file.

I0B15 (Informational 2837)

Entire results set was exported to PST.


This log message occurs when all search results are exported to an existing .PST file.

I0B16 (Informational 2838)

<total> Events were in the results set.


This log message displays the total number of events in the results set.

I0B17 (Informational 2839)

<exported> Events successfully exported.


This log message displays the number of events successfully exported.

I0B18 (Informational 2840)

<not emails> Events not exported because they were not email events.


This log message displays the number of events that were not exported, as they were not email events.

I0B19 (Informational 2841)

<no data> Events not exported because they had no captured data attached.


This log message displays the number of events that were not exported, as they had no captured data attached.

I0B1A (Informational 2842)

<failed> Events not exported because of failure.


This log message displays the number of failed events.

I0B1B (Informational 2843)

<wrong type> Events not exported because they were not email or IM events.


This log message displays the number of events that were not exported, as they were not email or IM events.

I0B1C (Informational 2844)

Exporting selected results set to PST


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting selected results to an existing .PST file.

I0B1D (Informational 2845)

Selected results were exported to PST


This log message occurs when all search results are exported to an existing .PST file.

I0B1E (Informational 2846)

Exporting entire results set to Virtual Web Site.


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting the entire results set to a Virtual Web Site.

I0B1F (Informational 2847)

Entire results set was exported to Virtual Web Site.


This log message occurs when all search results are selected and exported to a Virtual Web Site.

I0B20 (Informational 2848)

Exporting selected results to Virtual Web Site.


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting selected events to a Virtual Web Site.

I0B21 (Informational 2849)

Selected results were exported to Virtual Web Site.


This log message occurs when all search results are exported to a Virtual Web Site.

I0B23 (Informational 2851)

Modified user '<user>'. Privilege '<privilege>' granted.


This log message occurs if a privilege has been added to a user.

I0B24 (Informational 2852)

Modified user '<user>'. Privilege '<privilege>' removed.


This log message occurs if a privilege has been removed from a user.

I0B25 (Informational 2853)

Modified user '<user>'. Management group '<management group path>' removed.


This message occurs if a user has been removed from a Management group.

I0B26 (Informational 2854)

Modified user '<user>'. Management group '<management group path>' added.


This message occurs if a user has been added to a Management group.

I0B27 (Informational 2855)

Exporting selected results to NSF.


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting selected results to a Notes Database (NSF file).

I0B28 (Informational 2856)

Selected results were exported to NSF.


This log message occurs when selected search results are exported to a Notes Database (NSF file).

I0B2A (Informational 2858)

Exporting entire results set to NSF.


This log message occurs when CA Data Protection is exporting all results to a Notes Database (NSF file).

I0B2B (Informational 2859)

Entire results set was exported to NSF.


This log message occurs when all search results are exported to a Notes Database (NSF file).

I0B2C (Informational 2860)

Modified user '<user>'. Address '<address>' was deleted.


This message occurs if a user's email address has been removed from the database.

I1D05 (Informational 7429)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> successfully submitted message with ID <event record identifier> after a previous failure.


The Quarantine Manager has submitted a message that previously failed.

I1D06 (Informational 7430)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> is now active.


Indicates that the Quarantine Manager is now active.

I1D09 (Informational 7433)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> has connected to CMS <machine name>.


The Quarantine Manager has successfully connected to the CMS.

I1D0C (Informational 7436)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> successfully accessed the email server <machine name>.


Displayed the first time the Quarantine Manager successfully connects to the email server.

I1D0F (Informational 7439)

The Quarantine Manager is attempting to connect to CMS <machine name>.


The Quarantine Manager is attempting to connect to CMS <machine name>.

W1D0A (Warning 7434)

The Quarantine Manager has lost contact with CMS <machine name>.


The Quarantine Manager has disconnected from the CMS.

W1D16 (Warning 7446)

The Quarantine Manager on machine <machine name> will not be started because it has not been configured.


The Quarantine Manager registry settings have not been configured.

S1305 (Success 4869)

Loading policy <policy_id>.


Indicates that the policy engine is about to load a new policy.

This message only occurs on the policy engine.

S1306 (Success 4870)

Replacing policy <old_policy_id> with policy <new_policy_id>.


Indicates that an old policy is being unloaded, and a new policy loaded in its place. This will occur if the number of unique policies in the system exceeds the max that can be loaded concurrently (in the policy engine machine policy)

This message only occurs on the policy engine.

S1307 (Success 4871)

Unloading policy <policy_id>.


Indicates that the policy engine is about to unload a policy. This normally happens on policy engine shutdown. This message only occurs on policy engine machines.

S130D (Success 4877)

A Policy Engine was successfully created by machine '<machine>'.


Indicates that a policy engine instance has successfully been created. This message only occurs on policy engine machines.

S130F (Success 4879)

The Policy Engine created by machine '<machine>' has been terminated.


Indicates that a policy engine instance has been successfully shut down. Together with S130D messages, this message allows the operational status of a policy engine to be determined. This message only occurs on policy engine machines.