Increase the WebI ‘MaximumDocumentCacheSize’ setting from the default 1GB to at least 10GB. This reduces unnecessary processing. Leave free disk space equivalent to around 130% of this figure (13GB) to accommodate delayed cache cleanup processing.
Increase the WebI 'DocumentCacheDuration' setting if you have any reports that are opened frequently but only refreshed periodically. By increasing the cache duration, these reports stay in cache longer. This also reduces the processing workload.
Cap the maximum number of jobs that a JobServer (or AdaptiveJobServer) can run concurrently. This limits the impact of these queries on the database and spreads the query load over time.
Add a new WebI service and a new JobServer service under a dedicated new server group. This allows users with sufficient privileges (typically administrators) to schedule tasks specifically to that JobServer and WebI service.
If you schedule tasks to specific services and apply a cap to the main job queue, you prioritize specific jobs.
Report Publishing
Administrator accounts can use the BOXI Publishing functionality to control large report runs to lists of users or to users in BOXI groups. If the administrator runs individual reports for each listed user, they each receive their own RLS report sent to their inbox.
When publishing reports, we recommend that you schedule the reports to run during off-peak hours. Remember to cap the job queue to avoid overloading the database server with too many concurrent database queries.