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Binary Text Extractor Configuration File

The Binary Text Extractor (BTE) is a configurable utility that can extract the text content from document types that are not normally supported by CA Data Protection. Policy engines and endpoint agents can then apply CA Data Protection policy to these files as normal.

For example, if you need to analyze information stored in proprietary or industry file formats, or even in executable files, you can configure the BTE to extract the text content from these file types.

Configuration details for the BTE are saved in BinaryTextorConfig.xml. This is a CA Data Protection system definition file. To configure BinaryTextorConfig.xml, follow these steps:

  1. Export the default version of BinaryTextorConfig.xml from the CMS.
  2. Edit BinaryTextorConfig.xml to specify the file types that you want CA Data Protection to analyze.
  3. Install your customized version of BinaryTextorConfig.xml back onto the CMS.

    CA Data Protection then replicates your customized version of BinaryTextorConfig.xml automatically to each CA Data Protection policy engine and endpoint computer.

For details about exporting and editing BinaryTextorConfig.xml, see the Binary Text Extractor chapter in the CA Data Protection Platform Deployment Guide.

To install a customized BinaryTextorConfig.xml

  1. Log on to the Administration console using an account that has the 'Admin: Manage System Files' administrative privilege.
  2. Click Tools, Install System Definition File.

    The Install System Definition File dialog appears.

  3. Click 'Binary Text Extractor Configuration File' in the File Type list.
  4. Browse to the BinaryTextorConfig.xml file that you edited.
  5. Return to the Install System Definition File dialog and click Install.

    CA Data Protection automatically replicates BinaryTextorConfig.xml to all policy engines and endpoint computers.