This section provides full details about the following WKType values.
WKType |
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Audit Toolbar Button Configuration. Each index (0-4) corresponds to the audit button number and defines the configuration options for that button. The configuration string is a comma-delimited string containing eleven values in the following order: Version – used internally to identify the configuration version (to allow support of older configuration strings). Current value for r14.0 is 2. Enable Type – Can be a value between 0 and 3. 0 = disable button, 1 = show button for single event audit only, 2 = show button for bulk audit only, 3 = show buttons for single and bulk audit. Affected Field – Can be a value between 0 and 2. Indicates which audit field is used as the basis of the audit operation. 0 = field 1, 1 = field 2, 2 = field 3. For example, if 0, then the audit button operation checks the current state of audit field 1 to determine whether the operation is valid.. Index From – Can be a value between -1 and 39. Indicates which audit field is used for validation of the operation. If -1, the button operation is valid for any event issue. If 0-39, the operation is valid for events with an issue where the audit field specified by the affected field (above) has the same index set currently. Index To 1 – Indicates which index to set audit field 1 to as a result of the operation. Can be a value between -1 and 39. If -1, the audit field 1 setting is not changed by the button operation. If 0-39, the audit field 1 setting is changed to that index. Index To 2 – Indicates which index to set audit field 2 to as a result of the operation. Can be a value between -1 and 39. If -1, the audit field 2 setting is not changed by the button operation. If 0-39, the audit field 2 setting is changed to that index. Index To 3 – Indicates which index to set audit field 3 to as a result of the operation. Can be a value between -1 and 39. If -1, the audit field 3 setting is not changed by the button operation. If 0-39, the audit field 3 setting is changed to that index. Invalid Action – Indicates the action to take during a bulk audit if an invalid event is found, i.e. an event that has no issues matching the required "from" state. This is no longer used as bulk auditing has become an asynchronous operation in r14.0, so we leave it to the user to decide if they want to cancel at any point, based on a log of the audits so far. For reference (for earlier CMSes), the previous values were: 0 = abort the entire operation without updating any events (the entire list of events is validated up front), 1 = ignore invalid events, 2 = ignore invalid events but report them at the end of the operation. Comment – An optional comment added to the issue audit history when creating a new issue as a result of the button operation. Issue Name – The issue name to use when creating a new issue as a result of the button operation. Tooltip – An optional string to use as a tooltip for the button. If this is left empty, the tooltip is formed dynamically based on the configuration of the button. |
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Quarantine Button Configuration. The index is always 0, and the WKString value defines the configuration options for both buttons. The configuration string is a comma-delimited string containing three values in the following order: Version – used internally to identify the configuration version (to allow support of older configuration strings). Current value for r14.0 is 1. Release from quarantine option – Specifies the action to take when the user releases a mail from quarantine. If 0, an accompanying comment is not required. If 1, the user is prompted to enter a comment, but it is not mandatory. If 2, the user must enter a comment. Reject from quarantine option – Specifies the action to take when the user rejects a mail from quarantine. If 0, an accompanying comment is not required. If 1, the user is prompted to enter a comment, but it is not mandatory. If 2, the user must enter a comment. |
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Default Mail Template. The index is always 0, and the WKString value is the name of the default template used to populate the "compose mail" window. This is no longer used as there is no longer a "Send Mail" option in the iConsole (Note that the default reply template is still used – see below). |
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Audit Configuration. The index is always 0, and the WKString value defines the configuration options for the auditing of Issues in the iConsole. The configuration string is a comma-delimited string containing twelve values in the following order: Version – used internally to identify the configuration version (to allow support of older configuration strings). Current value for r14.0 is 5. Allow multi-select audit field 3 – Can be 0 or 1 for off or on. If on, users can select multiple values from the audit field 3 control to assign to an issue. Default audit field 1 – Can be a value between 0 – 39. Indicates the index of default value to display in audit field 1 when creating a new issue. Default audit field 2 – Can be a value between 0 – 39. Indicates the index of default value to display in audit field 2 when creating a new issue. Default audit field 3 – Can be a value between 0 – 39. Indicates the index of default value to display in audit field 3 when creating a new issue. Default associated user – Can be -3 (sender), -4 (all managed users) or -5 (none). This default is used when creating a new issue either manually or using an audit button. Note that -4 is invalid if the “Allow multiple associated users” option is off. Allow multiple associated users for an issue – Can be 0 or 1 for off or on. If on, more than one user can be associated with the issue. Prevent issues having no associated users – Can be 0 or 1 for off or on. If on, all issues are validated during creation/editing to ensure that one or more users have been associated with that issue. Default audit mail reply template – the name of the default template used to populate the audit mail compose popup initially. New issue popup default field visibility – A bit field that specifies which fields are shown on the new issue popup. Note that all fields can be made visible using an “Advanced” link on the popup. Bit 1 = name, bit 2 = user, bit 3 = comment, bit 4 = field1, bit 5 = field 2, bit 6 = field 3, bit 7 = incidents, bit 8 = not used (always set). Default issue name – Can be 0 – 3. If 0, the Issue name is set using a custom name specified manually by the user. If 1, the current audit field 1 value is used to set the issue name. If 2, the current audit field 2 value is used to set the issue name. If 3, the issue name has no default value and must be manually entered. Custom name – A string specifying the Issue name to use if the above option is 0. |
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