This table contains miscellaneous strings used by many areas within the product. The table permits multiple translations to be defined for any particular string instance. The table itself is normally only exposed via a database view that allows a single occurrence of a specific string to be returned according to the currently active locale setting of the session.
Column |
Primary Key |
Datatype |
Length |
Notes |
I18nID Identifier of the string instance. |
Yes |
255 |
For strings referenced by wgnwellknowstringbase, the identifier is of the form WKS[wktype|wkindex]. For strings referenced by wgn3classificationbase, the identifier is of the form WCN[classuid]. For other miscellaneous strings, there is no rigorous structure to this column. |
IETFLangCode ISO Language Identifier. |
Yes |
16 |
The ISO language identifier for the string. For example ‘en’ or ‘fr’. |
I18NString The string value. |
255 |
Description Additional descriptive text associated with string. |
255 |
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