Use the EVLSPLIT option to specify the subfolder groupingWhen an EVL file is created, it is written to a subfolder of EVLFAILDEST. The subfolder are grouped by their eventtimestamp.
This option accepts the following values:
Specifies that there is no eventtimestamp grouping.
Specifies that subfolders use the year (YYYY) as timestamp grouping.
Specifies that subfolders use year and month (YYYY-MM) as timestamp grouping. This value is the default.
Specifies that subfolders use the year, month, and day (YYYY-MM-DD) as timestamp grouping
Example: Year-Month
If you set EVLSPLIT to 2, the folders are grouped by year and month timestamps. The Eventtimestamps are rounded down to the nearest month. For example, all events that fail in August 2011 are written to a folder named '2011-08'.
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