After you have published a content agent, you assign the agent to triggers in your user policies.
These triggers fire when CA Data Protection detects a file that matches a fingerprint in the content index associated with your content agent.
For example, you can set up triggers to block a protected document from being sent as an email attachment or copied to a USB device.
In technical terms, the content agent generates a fingerprint of the file and then compares this fingerprint with those in its content index. If the fingerprints match, CA Data Protection infers that the file is protected.
Follow these steps:
The User Policy Editor screen appears.
For email triggers, you can only assign content agents to a Content Agent trigger.
For Data In Motion and Data At Rest triggers, you can assign content agents to any trigger.
Reviewers can search for 'protected document events' in the iConsole or Data Management console, using these trigger names and policy classes as search filters.
Set the value to 'Use content agents to analyze text content'.
Add the content agents that you want to associate with this trigger.
For example, you can assign smart tags or a severity rating to the trigger.
Select the control action that you want. For example, to block protected files from being copied or sent, select a 'Block' control action. If you want users to encrypt protected files before copying or sending them, select an 'Enforce Encryption' control action.
The Policy Change Summary dialog appears.
Your content agent is now assigned to a policy trigger. The user policy is now configured to detect any documents protected by the content agent.
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