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Launch InfoView

You can launch InfoView from the iConsole or you can browse to InfoView directly.

Note: In BusinessObjects XI 3.1 SP3, InfoView is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.

To launch InfoView from the CA Data Protection iConsole

  1. Log on to the iConsole using an account that can connect to BusinessObjects Enterprise.
  2. Go to the iConsole Review tab.

    Note: Trusted authentication allows users to log on to a system once, without needing to provide passwords several times during a session. In the case of CA Data Protection and BusinessObjects Enterprise, it means that users do not need to log on separately to BusinessObjects when they run a BusinessObjects report or launch InfoView from the iConsole.

  3. (Applicable only if the BusinessObjects Enterprise Login dialog appears) Enter the user name and password of a BusinessObjects Enterprise account and click OK.
  4. Go to the BusinessObjects page in the Review tab.

    The BusinessObjects page includes a link to InfoView.

  5. Click the InfoView link.

    The InfoView home page displays.

To launch InfoView directly

Browse to the InfoView URL. This URL has the following format:

http://<BOE Server>:<WebApp Port>/InfoViewApp

Where <BOE Server> is the BusinessObjects Enterprise host server and <WebApp Port> is the connection port for the web application server that runs InfoView. The default port Is 8080. For example, if BusinessObjects Enterprise is hosted on UX-ReportsSvr-W2K8, the InfoView URL is:
