The iConsole and Data Management console already offer a range of standard searches that you can easily customize. So why use content searches? Because they offer offers powerful search functionality that far exceeds that offered by the standard searches. In particular, content searches can do the following.
Most importantly, and as the name implies, content searches can analyze the text content of captured e-mails and files.
Standard searches cannot do this. They only allow you to search by event attributes such as the URL or e-mail address, the time of capture, or name of the associated user.
Content searches can assess and rank the relevance of individual documents. They can also ignore documents that contain a keyword but which are otherwise unrelated to the main search 'theme'.
The search term refers to the words or phrases that you are searching for in a document. When you define the search term for a content search, you can include logical operators (such as AND, OR, and NOT) to search for contextualized occurrences of keywords or phrases.
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