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You can apply transforms to extracted text when you create a user-defined variable. This enables you to convert the extracted data into a standardized form, usually to make searching easier.

This attribute has the following syntax:

%<MyVar transform=”{toLower|toUpper|stripWhitespace|onlydigits|onlyalpha}”>%

Applies one of the transforms to the extracted text written to the %<MyVar>%.


Converts to lower case.

Effect: GB123 transforms to gb123.

Example usage: This example ensures that values for the %<User_ID>% variable are always in lower case:

%<User_ID transform=”toLower”>% %#GB\d\d\d% %</User_ID>%


Converts to upper case.

Effect: gb123 transforms to GB123.


Removes all spaces

Effect: abc 123 transforms to abc123.


Retains only numbers. Strips out letters and other characters.

Effect: abc 123 transforms to 123.


Retains only letters. Strips out numbers and other characters.

Effect: abc 123 transforms to abc.