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Full XML Schema

This section describes the full XML schema for event metadata and includes the type and value attributes for relevant tabs.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 

<apm schema_version="1" xmlns="" 
xsi:schemaLocation= xmleventattributes.xsd >


    <!--  general attributes                                        --> 
    <security id="1234" /> 
    <!--  This attribute is stored in the database and may be       --> 
    <!--  validated against a session security ID at search time    --> 
    <!--  to ensure that only allowed users can view this event     --> 

    <!--  Email attributes  --> 
        <attributes draft="true" /> 
           <!--  draft = true or false  --> 
            <!--  Can be set to IM, eFax, or Bloomberg   --> 
            <!--  Can be set Bloomberg, Mindalign, Jabber, HubConnex, etc  --> 
        <header type="x-header" guid="">
            <!—type = x-header, mapi_prop, or notes_prop  --> 
           <item type="xs:string" name="" item_id="0">
               <!—  type = "xs:string|..."  --> 
        <envelope direction="none" security="none">
            <!—  direction = one, incoming, outgoing, or transit  --> 
            <!—  security =  none, enc, sig, encsig, or secure  --> 
            <subject>Email Subject</subject> 
                <participant partClass="to" no_create="false">
                    <!— partClass = to, cc, bcc, from, robo, sobo, or transport" -->
                    <!-- no_create = true or false  --> 
                    <displayName /> 
                    <address addrType="smtp" primary="true" default="true">
                        <!—  addrType = smtp, ex, x400, and so on  --> 
                        <!—  primary = true or false  --> 
                        <!—  default =  true or false  --> 
                        <!-- no_create = true or false  --> 

    <!--  File attributes  --> 
        <hash type="sha-256">hashvalue</hash> 
        <signature offset="0" length="0">FileSig</signature> 
        <device local="true" type="printer" connection="network" 
                removable="true" server="server_name" 
                location="my location">MyPrinter</device> 
            <!—  local = true or false  --> 
            <!—  type = printer or drive  --> 
            <!—  connection = usb, network, IDE, PCI, SCSI, and so on  --> 
            <!—  removable = true or false  --> 
            <!—  location = user defined physical printer location  --> 
            <!-- date format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss  --> 
        <file_attr compressed="true" encrypted="true" hidden="true"
                   offline="true" readonly="true" system="true" 
                   temporary="true" archive="true" /> 
            <!—  File attributes = true or false. Individual, but will 
            typically only be present if they are "true"  --> 
        <title>Doc Title</title> 
        <subject>Doc Subject</subject> 
        <author>Doc Author</author> 
        <property_set name="">
            <property name="" prop_id="1" type="xs:string">Prop Value</property> 
        <stream name="">

            <participant partClass="policy" no_create="false">
                <!—  partClass = policy, owner, creator, assoc, 
                src, dest, or host  --> 
               <!-- no_create = true or false  --> 
                <username /> 
                    <!-- username = CA Data Protection user name --> 
                <address addrType="smtp” primary="true" default="true">
                    <!--  addrType = smtp, ex, x400, and so on  --> 
                    <!--  primary = true or false  --> 
                    <!--  default = true or false  --> 
            <name>Database Name</name> 
            <source type="query">SELECT * from MyTable</source> 
                <!--  type = query, table, or view  --> 
            <datasource>datasource from connection string</datasource> 
                <column name="Column Name" type="varchar" size="255" /> 
                    <cell>Cell Data</cell> 
                    <cell stream_index="0" size="1024" /> 
                         <!--  cell tags must be one of two types: specifying 
                         data directly; or a reference to a stream  --> 

    <!--  Policy  --> 
               <smart_tag name="">
                   <!--  Each smart tag can have multiple values   --> 
                   <value /> 
               <flag name="block_notify" /> 
                   <!—name = stopped, block_notify, block_quiet, and so on. 
                   Based on the list of event state names  --> 

        <client_actions policy_id="id_string">
                <dialog_title>Blocked Title</dialog_title> 
                <dialog_message>Blocked Message</dialog_message> 
            <mail_warned decision_id="id_string">
                <dialog_title>Warn Title</dialog_title> 
                <dialog_message>Warn Message</dialog_message> 
           <mail_personal decision_id="id_string">

           <mail_inform decision_id="id_string">
               <dialog_title>Inform Title</dialog_title> 
               <dialog_message>Inform Message</dialog_message> 
               <subject>Email subject</subject> 
               <body>Email body</body> 
               <to>Recipient address</to> 
           <mail_reply attach_original="true" reprocess="true">
               <subject>Email subject</subject> 
               <body>Email body</body> 

           <mail_new attach_original="true">
               <subject>Email subject</subject> 
               <body>Email body</body> 
               <!--    Multiple email addresses of each type can be specified. Each 
               address is either a ‘substitute’ address or, (if ‘substitute’ is 
               missing or set to "address") is specified by the Address value. -->
               <from substitute="original_sender">Address</from> 
                   <!—  substitute = original_sender, apm_user, or address  --> 
               <to substitute="all_recipients">Address</to> 
                   <!—  substitute = original_sender,  to_recipients,
                   cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, all_recipients, or address" --> 
               <cc substitute="all_recipients">Address</cc> 
                   <!—substitute = original_sender, to_recipients, 
                   cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, all_recipients, or address" --> 
               <bcc substitute="all_recipients">Address</bcc> 
                   <!—substitute = original_sender, to_recipients, cc_recipients, 
                   bcc_recipients, all_recipients, or address" --> 

               <recipient substitute="all_recipients">Address</recipient> 
                   <!-- substitute="all_recipients|address"  --> 
               <name>xheader name</name> 
               <value>xheader value</value> 

               <redirect_url>redirection url</redirect_url> 

           <appmon_block /> 

           <file_delete secure="true" /> 
           <file_replace secure="true">
               <replacement_text>Replacement text</replacement_text> 
           <file_copy mode="absolute" if_conflicts="copy">
               <!--  mode = relative or absolute  --> 
               <!-- if_conflicts = discard, overwrite, or copy  --> 
               <location>Copy location</location> 

            <file_tag target="original">
                <!--  target = original or copy  --> 
                <name>Tag name</name> 
                <value>Tag value</value> 
                <dialog_title>Blocked Title</dialog_title> 
                <dialog_message>Blocked Message</dialog_message> 

        <action_results policy_id="id_string">
            <!-- action_res = cancel, continue, or personal  --> 
                <mail_warned decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 
                <mail_personal decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 
                <mail_inform decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 
                <mail_warned decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 
                <mail_personal decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 
                <mail_inform decision_id="id_string" action_res="continue" /> 


    <!--  user  --> 
    <user /> 
