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Plain Text Embedded File Agents Are Superseded

Note: CA Data Protection 12.5 originally included support for Plain Text Embedded File content agents. These agents have since been superseded by Text Detection content agents.

Plain Text Embedded File content agents could detect the complete body text of a registered plain-text document. For example, the agents could detect a document with sensitive plain-text content (such as source code) if a user embedded the document in another document or in the body of an email.

However, CA Data Protection no longer allows you to create new Plain Text Embedded File agents, although existing agents will continue to work. Instead, we recommend that you replace your Plain Text Embedded File agents with the new Text Detection agents.

Text Detection agents represent a significant improvement over the old Plain Text Embedded File content agents. Previously, users could easily circumvent Plain Text Embedded File content agents by adding a minor text change to a protected document. Now you can set up Text Detection agents to detect, for example, variants of a protected document or attempts by a user to copy an extract from a protected document into an email or an attachment.