The iConsole has a new look and feel. The result is changes to the objects and their properties that appear on the HTML customization and results pages for searches and reports.
This chapter describes the main changes and what to do to make your Javascript compatible with the new iConsole version. If you require further assistance, contact CA Technical Support. A complete list of locations, primary service hours and telephone numbers, can be found at
There are also changes to iConsole 12.5 XML capabilities, which are defined elsewhere in this iConsole Search Definition Guide.
From the point of view of Javascript, which may be defined in the reports XML file to be used on these customize and results pages, the changes to the objects and their properties to be referenced mean that corresponding changes to the Javascript logic are required to your customized reports. We have already applied the changes to the standard reports and searches .
This section contains the following topics:
Microsoft Office Web Components
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