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Snapshot Installation

This section covers the general procedure for snapshot installations. The basic procedure is the same, regardless of which third-party tool you use. However, the exact procedure for generating the snapshot image will naturally vary depending on the tool.

Note: The snapshot image used when testing these instructions was a RapidInstall Package (RIP), created with Altiris RapidInstall 3.1. You may find other third-party tools to be equally effective but these have not been tested.

  1. Prepare the source machine

    Some pre-configuration of the source machine is necessary to ensure that the final snapshot image contains the correct CA Data Protection installation information.

    1. Run the DisableAutostart.vbs script to generate the DisableAutostart.mst transform.

      Find this script in the \Support folder of the CA Data Protection distribution image.

      The transform prevents CA Data Protection starting automatically after installation. This is necessary to prevent your source machine starting the CA Data Protection service automatically after step 5.

    2. Run the following command:
      msiexec /i <path to client.msi> TRANSFORMS=<path to DisableAutostart.mst> 

      Where client.msi is your administrative source image for client machines. Find a copy of client.msi in the \Windows folder in your CA Data Protection distribution image>.

    For details about DisableAutostart.mst and the TRANSFORMS property in Msiexec.exe commands, see the references at the end of this section.

  2. Create a baseline image

    Using your preferred snapshot tool, create a baseline image of your source machine. This is an image of the machine before CA Data Protection has been installed.

    For example, if you are using RapidInstall 3.1, you can now set a baseline using the Altiris RIP creation wizard. Proceed to the Installing Applications screen, then stop and create a baseline image.

  3. Install CA Data Protection on the source machine
    1. Launch the CA Data Protection installation wizard. To do this, run setup.exe in your CA Data Protection distribution image.
    2. In the Installation Type screen, choose Advanced Installation.
    3. In the Advanced Install Options screen, choose Endpoint Agents and then click Install.

      This launches the CA Data Protection client installation wizard in a separate window.

    4. In the Connectivity Screen, enter the name or IP address of the parent server.

      Alternatively, if you want a generic snapshot that can be easily customized and reused to install clients to different parent servers, you can enter a ‘placeholder’ IP address and select the Bypass Validation check box. This approach allows you to deploy several versions of the snapshot (for example, one for each department in your organization), with each version specifying a different gateway as the parent server.

      Note: The placeholder address can be the address of any real machine that is not a CMS or gateway server. You must specify a real machine, otherwise the installation will fail and the snapshot will be incomplete.

    5. The installation wizard now has all the information it needs. Click Install to start the file transfer. When this completes, go to step 4.
  4. Create a snapshot image of the CA Data Protection installation

    Create a snapshot image of the changes made by the CA Data Protection installation wizard.

    For example, if you are using RapidInstall 3.1, you can resume the Altiris RIP creation wizard and proceed to the Build RIP screen.

    Typically, third-party tools let you configure the snapshot image, for example, to automatically reboot the target system after installation. Now is the time to configure the snapshot to meet your deployment requirements.

  5. Create a follow-up baseline image

    If you anticipate a future need for follow-up snapshot images (for example, to install CA Data Protection features omitted from the original snapshot), we recommend you now create and save a follow-up baseline image at this stage. This is an image of the source machine after CA Data Protection has been installed. You can then retrieve and use this baseline to generate future follow-up snapshots.

  6. Deploy the CA Data Protection snapshot

    To deploy the snapshot to your target client machines, choose any method that best suits your organization. For example, you can attach the snapshot to an e‑mail and send it to your users; you can save the snapshot to a shared network location; or you can include it in a login script. However:

More information:

Command Line Parameters for Msiexec.exe

Prevent Automatic Startup: DisableAutoStart_Client.mst