When importing a CMS profile, you can specify how CA Data Protection reconciles mismatches between existing CMS properties and properties in the imported profile.
Property Exists on CMS But Not in Imported Profile
If a property exists on the CMS but not in the imported profile, you can retain or delete the existing property. To configure the import operation, edit the following attribute in the XML profile:
This optional attribute has the following values:
This is the default value if retainvalues is not specified.
The existing property on the CMS is retained.
The existing property on the CMS is deleted.
Property Exists an CMS and Imported Profile
If a property exists both on the CMS and in the imported profile, you can retain the existing property or overwrite it with the imported property. To configure the import operation, edit the following attribute in the XML profile:
This optional attribute has the following values:
The existing property on the CMS is overwritten by the imported property.
This is the default value if overwritevalues is not specified.
The existing property on the CMS is retained.
Property Exists in Imported Profile But Not on CMS
If a property exists in the imported profile but not on the CMS, the imported property is always added to the CMS profile.
Apply Changes to Whole CMS profile or Individual Sections
You can set retainvalues and overwritevalues for the whole CMS profile or for an individual section, such as the user attributes section.
Edit retainvalues or overwritevalue in the <profile> tag. For example:
<profile retainvalues="True" version="1.0" machinetype="CMS">
If a property exists in both the XML file and on the CMS, then the value of that property on the CMS is overwritten by the value in the XML file.
Edit retainvalues or overwritevalue in the relevant section tag. For example, to retain existing user attributes, edit the <userattributes> tag:
<userattributes retainvalues="True">
The supported section tags are:
<userattributes> <roles> <audit_setttings> <audit_templates> <trigger_severities> <resource_roles>
Note: If retainvalues or overwritevaluesattribute exist in the <profile> tag and in a section tag, the section tag takes precedence.
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