These include:
Shows workload statistics for each reviewer in your management group(s). It shows the number of events allocated to each reviewer and the number already reviewed over a specified period. Optionally, it also indicates how long reviewers spend reviewing individual events.
Lists users who have not had any of their associated events reviewed over a specified period. A 'reviewed event' is an event with one or more issues.
Shows reviewed events as a percentage of all captured events, by user or group.
Shows the number of incidents associated with each 'offender'. An offender is any user associated with an issue. They can be the sender or a recipient of the message.
Shows the level of events that are still unreviewed. The report identifies the reviewers and the user groups associated with the unreviewed events. It also indicates how many days these events have been waiting to be reviewed. Percentage scores allow you to compare review rates by reviewer or/and user group.
Shows the activity of individual reviewers in terms of the number of events viewed and audited. This report enables managers to monitor reviewer activity and, if necessary, confirm that events are being audited correctly.
Note: These reports are not designed for use with Policy security models. See the reference below for details.
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