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PE Host Machine Memory Requirement

Important! We strongly recommend that the host machine has enough memory to cache all effective user policies for your organization simultaneously.

When processing an email, a policy engine requires access to the sender’s user policy. The policy engine retrieves the necessary policy from the CMS and, to minimize processing delays, it can retain multiple user policies in memory. Because each policy can take up a significant amount of memory, you must ensure that the host machine has sufficient memory to simultaneously retain all the user policies that is likely to need.

In practice, this means the host machine must be able to simultaneously hold all the ‘effective’ user policies for your organization. For each user, their effective policy is either their own individual policy (if it has been uniquely customized) or the policy inherited from their parent group.

Because most CA Data Protection users (and indeed, most groups) inherit their policy, direct and unchanged, from their parent group, the total number of effective user policies is usually far smaller than the total number of users. For example, if all users and subgroups in your organization inherit, direct and unchanged, the policy for the top level ‘Users’ group, then in effect all users are governed by the same policy. That is, for your entire organization there is only one effective policy.

Nevertheless, to prevent excessive memory allocation, the local machine policy specifies the maximum number of policies that can be held in memory at one time.

More information:

Configure the Local Machine Policy

Specify a PE Domain User