In the Non-Public Information policy group, the Information Security Label Control policy includes a 'disclaimer exemption' field. This field enables you to exempt words or phrases that are permitted if detected in a corporate disclaimer but which, in any other context, would cause a policy to fire.
As a minimum, you need to specify, with complete accuracy, the entire sentence containing the key words, plus any punctuation, exactly as they are found in the disclaimer. For greater accuracy, include the sentence (plus punctuation) that immediately follows the triggering sentence. For maximum accuracy, include the entire disclaimer plus punctuation. Repeat this process for each triggering word or phrase that appears in the disclaimer, even if these occur in the same sentence. For example, if the disclaimer includes two triggering phrases, for maximum accuracy you would need to enter the full disclaimer twice in the 'disclaimer exemption' field.
Example 1
"This email is the private property of the sender and is meant for the intended recipient only. If you are not that individual, and have received this email in error, please notify the sender and destroy the communication. Please do not discuss its contents with anyone."
In this example, policy is configured to fire on the bold phrases. To exempt these phrases when they appear in a disclaimer, you would need to enter the first sentence two times in the 'disclaimer exemption' field. This is because triggering phrases occur twice in one sentence.
Example 2
"This email is the private property of the sender. It is meant for the intended recipient only. If you are not that individual, and have received this email in error, please notify the sender and destroy the communication. Please do not discuss its contents with anyone."
In this example, the triggering phrases occur in separate sentences. This time, you can enter both sentences once each or, for maximum accuracy, include the entire disclaimer twice.
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