This view and, with exceptions, WGN_V_EVENT_1, must always be used when a search wants to retrieve information from Wgn3Event. If a search attempts to retrieve rows directly from Wgn3Event, the search will fail because the search user does not have permission to select data from this table directly.
WGN_V_EVENT_1 removes duplicate rows from the view so that it only returns 1 row per event. WGN_V_EVENT_2 returns duplicate rows from the view so that it returns 1 row per participant. One row per event can then be achieved using some further SQL (such as DISTINCT). Here we have just moved the emphasis of where this de-duplication happens.
WGN_V_EVENT_2 is now the default view to use; it has essentially superseded WGN_V_EVENT_1. We strongly recommend that you use WGN_V_EVENT_2. This is primarily for performance reasons. While there is no current plan to deprecate WGN_V_EVENT_1, this may happen in the future. This is another reason for using WGN_V_EVENT_2. There may be some specific cases where WGN_V_EVENT_1 performs better, but this should only be tested if it is believed that WGN_V_EVENT_2 is causing a performance issue (for example, when retrieving events given the UID may perform better using WGN_V_EVENT_1).
The final column in either view, epeventtimestamp, was added because of performance issues, primarily on SQL Server 2000. This does not appear to be an issue in Oracle. The field reflects the same value as EventTimeStamp on Wgn3Event but on the table Wgn3EventParticipant. The problem is that SQL Server 2000 does not reliably perform predicate closure. It is highly likely that most searches will include a date range. These dates will be passed to the search as literal values. In these cases, it is important that these literal values are put against both EventTimeStamp and epEventTimeStamp, otherwise SQL Server does not recognize that the literal values apply to both columns from any join and this can produce a poor query plan.
FROM WGN_V_EVENT_2 EV … WHERE EV.EventTimeStamp >= {start date} AND EV.EventTimeStamp <= {end date} … AND EV.epEventTimeStamp >= {start date} AND EV.epEventTimeStamp <= {end date} …
View Stack
Wgn_V_Event_2 |
→ |
wgn_v_m_event_2 |
→ |
→ |
wgn3event |
wgn3eventparticipant |
→ |
Column Details
Column |
Data Type |
Length |
Description |
EventUID |
13 |
Key used to uniquely identify a captured or imported event. |
EventTimestamp |
8 |
The time at which the event occurred. |
SequenceIDM |
4 |
Part-key used to identify the owning sequence and also uniquely identify the event. |
SequenceID |
4 |
Part-key used to identify the owning sequence and also uniquely identify the event. |
EventIndex |
4 |
Part-key used to uniquely identify the event. |
EventMajorType |
4 |
Identifies the 'major' event type (such as, email or web page) |
EventMinorType |
4 |
Identifies the 'minor' event type (such as, email sent) |
EventSubType |
4 |
Identifies the 'direction' of the event (such as, incoming or outgoing) |
AesMajorType |
4 |
Part-key that identifies the source object (software package) that captured the sequence. |
AesMinorType |
4 |
Part-key that identifies the source object (software package) that captured the sequence. |
AesSubType |
4 |
Part-key that identifies the source object (software package) that captured the sequence. |
EventText1 |
255 |
Event specific string identifying the event. |
EventText2 |
4000 |
Event specific string identifying the event. |
EventAttributes |
255 |
Attributes of the event. |
ExternalID |
255 |
This attribute contains an external (non-CA Data Protection) unique ID of an event to enable matching with duplicates of the same event captured elsewhere. |
Duration |
4 |
The length of time for which the event occurred. |
ExpiryTimestamp |
8 |
Stores the time at which the event expires. Expired events are removed by the next scheduled database purge. |
IsPermanent |
1 |
If this column has a non-zero (true) value, then the event will never be deleted by a scheduled database purge. |
UpdateTimestamp |
8 |
The time that the event was last modified. |
PurgeState |
4 |
Indicates whether the row can be purged if 'Purge On Replicate' is enabled. This column is ignored on a CMS. |
GMTOffset |
4 |
Specifies the difference (in minutes) between UTC time and the time zone in which an events source machine resides. |
DSTOffset |
4 |
Specifies the size of the daylight saving offset (in minutes) for the source machine's timezone. |
BlobType |
4 |
Identifies the type of the blob (such as a file based blob). |
BlobLocation |
255 |
The location of the blob data. The format of this string depends on the BlobType. |
BlobSize |
13 |
The size of the blob (in bytes) before encryption/compression. |
BLOBPhysicalSize |
13 |
The size of the blob (in bytes) after encryption/compression. |
epeventtimestamp |
8 |
Same as EventTimeStamp but this is taken from Wgn3EventParticipants instead of Wgn3Event. Used to ensure predicates commute. |
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