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Universal Adapter Architecture

The diagram below shows how the Universal Adapter: imports emails from journal mailboxes; processes them; optionally integrates with policy engines to apply policy and assign smart tags; outputs the imported emails to various locations and then archives them.

Universal Adapter Data Flow

Universal Adapter Architecture

The Universal Adapter Architecture illustration is described as follows:

  1. Universal Adapter. You can optionally connect the Universal Adapter (1a) to a policy engine (2), via a hub (1b).
  2. Journal Mailboxes. The Universal Adapter can import emails from multiple (2a) Exchange and (2b) Domino journal mailboxes.
  3. Policy engine. You can optionally connect the Universal Adapter to a (3) policy engine (via a hub) to apply policy to emails and populate them with smart tags.
  4. Outputs. The Universal Adapter then outputs the processed emails to: (4a) (for Exchange emails only) a third-party DLL; (4b) an Exchange or Domino mailbox; (4c) EVF files; or (4d) Event Import.
  5. Archives. Finally, the emails are passed to a (5a) storage solution, (5b) archive or (5c) alternatively to Event Import for importing into CA Data Protection.