Note: You must set UpdateConfig to 1 for changes to the following registry settings to take effect.
Type: REG_SZ
Data: This value is only for emails that have not been through the envelope journaling process. It specifies a comma-separated list of MAPI properties used by the Universal Adapter to generate a unique ID for each email processed. For normal use, we recommend you use:
InternetMessageID, ClientSubmitTime
Some archive solutions (for example, ZANTAZ Digital Safe Adapter) replace the InternetMessageID property on each email. This makes the property unreliable for detecting duplicate messages amongst emails processed by other archive solutions.
In this situation, we recommend you use a combination of the following MAPI properties to generate the unique ID:
SubjectID, SenderNameID, DisplayToID, PlainTextBody, ClientSubmitTime
Note: Using the PlainTextBody property is an optional recommendation as it can potentially have an impact on processing time.
Type: REG_SZ
Data: This value is only for emails that have been through the envelope journaling process. The Universal Adapter generates a unique ID for such an email using MAPI properties from both its inner part (the part that contains the original e-mail) and its outer part (the journal report containing the transport envelope data of the original email). The value specifies a comma-separated list of the MAPI properties for the inner part. For example:
Type: REG_SZ
Data: This value is only for emails that have been through the envelope journaling process. The Universal Adapter generates a unique ID for such an email using MAPI properties from both its inner part (that is, the part that contains the original e-mail) and its outer part (that is, the journal report containing the transport envelope data of the original email). The value specifies a comma-separated list of the MAPI properties for the outer part. For example:
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